How are you ? Great to see lots of C2Go’ers at The
Big One – Thanks to everyone that attended my sessions 🙂
This article was inspired by the
talk Jayne and I did at The Big One North event.
Have you got an Idea?
I bet you have millions; it seems to be a common trait in the fitness industry, especially as we have all had the summer break, feeling fresh and excited about the Autumn.
Therefore, how do you turn an idea into a tangible project or business?
Here are my tips to taking the idea out of your head and into the real world.
Ask yourself these simple questions before you get going.
Is there a real demand for this class,
fitness product or service?
Be honest with yourself and do your research.
Find out if there is DEMAND and if there is a definite need in your area, and if there is, you must deliver it as uniquely as possible.
Many Instructors think there is a need for a certain class, spend money on marketing and advertising and then don’t get the numbers in.
You have to ensure there is a demand, then meet the demand with your class/product/service etc.
What do people complain about?
What problems do people in your target niche/market have and how can you create a class or service that solves this.
Grow it slow….. I heard this on a podcast this week and thought YES
“The tortoise wins the business race” and I loved this, it’s so true.
My best advice is to make sure you have your basics in place, a professional website, quality branding, weekly newsletter, customer systems and segmented database, so you know exactly which class member attends which class, your referral programme, your auto responders and don’t take your eye off your CORE business.
You can then add onto your core business new projects.
Create a step by step logical business plan.
When you have researched your idea, decided on a way to deliver it uniquely, create a simple step by step plan and to do list. See it through to the end.
Don’t over complicate it.
I’m a visual person so I have a big white board in my office with my project written at the top then the daily steps underneath.
I can see it every time I look up, it keeps me on track and focused.
I update my board every day with targets and a flow chart
of what stage comes next in the project.
Anything and everything is achievable. I hope these simple steps help you not waste precious time and push forward the more relevant ideas for you and your fitness business.
Let’s do this!!!
My Weekly Blog Round Up.
•See the Kick Start & Brainfit Launch in Somerset
click here
•Watch the Redditch Launch behind the scenes click here
•Read about how Fitness Professional
Michelle from Redditch has added 1 kick Start Class
and netted an additional £4750 in income click here
Workshops and Training Courses Coming Up
Book onto the brand new
Fitness Pilates Orthopaedic Conditions
click here
Have you booked The BrainFit Workout Training Day
click here
Fitness Pilates Training Course 15/16 October
3 / 4 December
click here
What Are You In Alignment With?
by Jo De Rosa
Our experience in the world is decided on what we believe it can be, so if you are not experiencing what you want in life then there is some ‘inner’ work that needs attending to.
If something makes you feel good = do more of that
If something puts you off balance = why do you have it in your life?
We all know people who are struggling
We all know people who are coasting
We all know people who are thriving
Which means that we all know that all three potentials are possible, right?
So what are you in alignment with?
Struggle, mediocrity, or ease?
And today, right now, PICK which state you want to be in, and here is the thing:
From the inside
Shift your energy (the ‘inner’ work)
To affect your outer reality
This is what will transform our world to one of abundance and effortless contentedness, and the easiest way of constructing the life of your dreams is through meditation. To connect to your inner world, uncover your core beliefs, and allow them to grow and flourish in this fertilised mindful environment.
Or are you stuck?
This pattern is always coming up in our retreats and coaching programmes; a feeling of not being enough. And whether it’s something that we’ve picked up on from our parents, our friends, the media or our partner it is like we become glued to the past. Stuck to an old pattern unwilling to move forwards and evolve, this belief will quite literally hold you back from not just sobriety but success in all areas of your life.
It is the one element that I see time and time again and it quite literally is like a lead weight around your feet in the middle of the ocean: you are not going to get anywhere.
So the answer is to reach down and cut away the cords that are attached to the load holding you down, so that you can set yourself free and create the life of your dreams. Make the decision that whatever happened to you in the past, whether that be loss, abuse or simply the arrival of a younger sibling which completely changed the equilibrium of your world, is no longer going to define you.
Right now you can do that.
Make the decision.
Choose a different reality.
Make today different.
The day you realise that you are as worthy anyone else.
The day you understand that WE ALL have a backpack of baggage we carry around which holds us under the surface, never to truly live our potential.
The day you take off the burden and realise that it no longer has to be your story; that in fact you can rewrite the script anytime you want:
Right now you can do that.
Make the decision.
Choose a different reality.
Make today different.
What are you waiting for?
Why are you living in the past?
Why not come and join me in the world of unlimited potential, a life that is literally WAITING for you to shift your mindset so that you can live your dreams.
Success, sobriety, love: abundance in all categories; all waiting for you to collect, believe and live.
Make TODAY that day….
Join me live on Facebook for meditation every morning at 7:15am, I’d love for you to create the space to make your dreams happen.
It’s time to get in alignment with your dreams.
Have an amazing day, I’m off to meditate!
Big Brother Is Watching You……Where? Everywhere..!
By Andrew Crawford
Did you know that the friendly tell-lie-vision set aka TV sitting in the corner of your room or hung up on the wall, is watching and listening to you?
Well…some of them are.
You are being tracked every day. The places you’ve been, the time you spent there…ALL of your movements.
Does that make you uncomfortable?
It should because….
If you have an Iphone or android phone everything you go is tracked ….down to the minute. Android can be tracked online. All this tracking data is sent to Google.
Let me show you where to find this: Pull out your mobiles and go to settings > privacy > location services > system services > frequent locations
How do you turn it off? For iphone.
Settings > privacy > location services > system services > frequent locations > clear history > turn frequency location OFF
Provide personalised services. You consented by signing something…usually th
So Andrew
What has Big Brother got to do with Accountancy & Tax?
Well the HMRC uses Big Brother tactics to ensure you pay the right tax.
Enter Business Record Checks….Remember them? Hand in hand with this is the check of your self-assessment tax return.
What are Business Records Checks?
This is a check by HMRC that the records of your business are adequate to allow you the taxpayer to submit an accurate income tax return.
I have noticed lately that more and more checks of the self assessment tax return is happening.
HMRC consider that a large number of small and medium sized businesses are making errors which are not individually significant but the cumulative effect for the total tax collected from such businesses is very high. HMRC therefore see BRCs as a cost effective way of checking the adequacy of business records.
What are adequate records?
This is one of the difficulties. Unfortunately there is no precise answer to this question. For a trading business, the following would be regarded as adequate records:
a record of all sales and takings, including cash receipts. For example till rolls, sales invoices, bank statements, and paying-in slips;
a record of all purchases and expenses, including cash purchases. For example purchase invoices, receipts, bank and credit card statements, and cheque book stubs.
Why might a business be selected?
HMRC select a number of businesses based on their view of businesses which are more likely to be at risk of having inadequate records. The criteria for HMRC’s computer driven risk analysis is not known but, for example, a business with a lot of CASH transactions is likely to be seen as higher risk.
What is involved in a BRC?
After the selection process the following may happen.
HMRC will contact the business, initially by letter, advising that the business has been selected for a BRC and HMRC will get in touch, normally by phone, within a few days.
In the phone call, HMRC will ask approximately 15 questions about the business records to help them determine the adequacy of the records.
From the replies given the HMRC officer:
will assess whether you are likely to be able to submit an accurate tax return from your records. No further action will be taken at this stage;
may feel you could do with some additional help and support to put your records in order. The HMRC’s Business Education and Support Team will subsequently contact you;
may decide you are at risk of keeping inadequate records in which case they will state that you need a face to face visit.
In each case, HMRC will tell you during the call.
When they are checking the tax return you will receive a letter detailing what they want you to do. Usually send in documentation to back up all the entries on your tax return.
Depending on what they are checking, they can ask for anything at this stage, back statements, invoices, vouchers etc.
I have known that once you send this in, they can and will ask for further clarification….it can go on and on from here.
What should you do if you receive the letter about BRC?
If you do receive a letter, I would recommend that your Accountant as soon as possible. They can then advise you as to whether it is better if they contact HMRC on your behalf. They may be able to answer the questions without you having the stress of answering them.
If you would prefer to deal with the phone call yourself, then do so but if as a result of the call, HMRC state that you need a face to face visit, please contact your Accountant before the visit.
They will be able to attend the meeting to ensure that the HMRC officer comes to a reasonable conclusion as to the state of the records and what action may be necessary to remedy any deficiencies.
If HMRC consider that the records are inadequate and no changes are made, HMRC may apply a record keeping penalty (usually £500). That won’t necessarily be the end of the problem as when your tax return is submitted, HMRC are more likely to open an enquiry into the reported profits. This is where the fun begins…!!!
Sorry there was no fun in my article today……I like to inject some humour in my writing to show that I am human.
I’m just finding that we are under so much scrutiny from cars being monitored via the ANPR, to systems working together to keep their eyes on you.
I made a joke once saying that a time will come when they will tell you how to walk, that time is coming soon.
The only thing you will have control over………is your mind……..Just.
Farewell my Free Thinking Brothers & Sisters. Think…it ain’t illegal….Yet..!!
Andrew James Crawford
Love Rachel xxx