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  • C2GO Newsletter 18th October 2018

    C2GO Newsletter 18th October 2018

    Good Morning!


    Throw Back Thursday

    I have been sorting out all my old filing cabinets and have found some seriously old flyers, notes, certificates and pictures from the ’90/early 2000’s.

    You may have attended some of the events. (I can’t actually believe we have been doing this for over 30 years…….. where has the time gone?)

    Have you still got ANY old certificates from Athletes In Action Workshops or Nike or Pure Energy Workshops? Will you screen- shot and send me a copy I want to compile a fitness history blog and I’d love to get any old photos that you may have.

    The photo above is from a photoshoot Jayne and I did round the back of Cannons City on the Towpath going down to the Thames. It was Jaynes idea to do a b/w sepia type style (Always the art director) I think its about 1996/1997 Its a shoot for the Nike Athletes in Action Tour. I just had my braces off after 5 years of the most horrendous dental work and jaw surgery, hence the widest smile ever.

    Lots and lots of feedback from last weeks newsletter about missing the old Fitpro convention and feeling the need for a new educational conference for Group X Teachers – all noted… You never know we might put something together. 


    What Is Working For Marketing Your Classes And Business?

    It is down to the consistency and quality content of your social media postings and content.
    To promote any kind of fitness classes/programmes live or online you need to be consistent with content that will “Stop The Scroll” on social media UNLESS you are aiming for 60+ as they are scrolling and reading the newsfeed so much slower. and coming onto Facebook faster than any other demographic.

    Below is how I promote my local classes, online business, events, course etc and other businesses outside of fitness.

    * Daily posting on relevant Facebook business pages.
    * A weekly Facebook events page for individual classes, course and events.
    * 2/3 posts a day on Instagram using relevant #
    * Use 
    imovie app to create little videos for Facebook.
    * Facebook and Instagram Live,
    * Facebook and Instagram stories.
    * Talks and local networking. 

    Instagram is now 5 platforms in 1!

    IG Feed, IG Stories, IGTV, IG Highlights, IG LIVE 

    It really is incredible what is available to use and spread your message and promote your services.


    Pure Energy Music Code

    Do you get your tunes from Pure Energy Use code RHST20 for a superdeal

    Have a wonderful day reminiscing on #tbt 

    From Rachel x


    Deals and Discounts on Choreographytogo Education Courses This Week

    Level 3 Active IQ Level 3 Award in Nutrition for Exercise and Health

    This is a brilliant online qualification if you want to offer nutrition and weight management advice, sessions for your clients and class members. ON offer for £250 this week click here 

     nutrition qualification with choreographytogo

    Level 3 Pilates here limited availability on Birmingham which is the final date of the year. click here to book

    The Step Certification has been so popular. Instructors who have completed the course have got classes with waiting lists and having to get more Steps! I am updating the Step Course Instructor dashboard with new choreography every week so if you are thinking about it dojump in. Click here 

    Do YOU want to Train In FITNESS PILATES – New course dates are now up until June 2019 CLICK HERE for booking and information CLICK HERE 

    Manchester Wellness + Workout Evening Event Click here Friday 19th October 2018

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