C2GO Newsletter 4th March 2020
I hope you are having a great week?
NEW PODCAST EPISODE – Course and workshop anxiety!
NEW PODCAST EPISODE: Course and Convention Anxiety Podcast Episode with myself and Kelly Reed
In today’s Fitpro Chat Kelly and I discuss course and convention anxiety.
A topic that has been brought up in various Fit Prp online groups and a question I received this week.
” I am an outgoing group X teacher who loves people but when it comes to attending courses it literally makes me sick with nerves, the walking into a group full of other Fitpros, the driving, parking, traveling and feeling that I am not good enough stops me from booking events that I KNOW will help me develop my business and be amazing for my personal development ….. but I get so much anxiety I don’t book”
This is SO COMMON we ALL feel like this. Kelly and I discuss simple tips to help you get over these natural feelings and reap the rewards of personal growth.
I hope this helps you listen here: CLICK HERE
This week’s Social Media Training day for Fitpros on SATURDAY was AMAZING!!!!! Join me for the next Social Media Training Day on Saturday 16th May at Virgin Active Nottingham – I have 25 seats in the training room so jump in if you want to get on top of your social media CLICK HERE to book

Have a fantastic day 🙂
Love Always
Rachel xxx
**The new 6 Month Fitness Business Mentorship launches on FRIDAY – Are you ready?**
6 MONTHS TO SEE A HUGE IMPACT IN YOUR BUSINESS Being personally mentored by Rachel Holmes
Starts 24th March
*15 Places ONLY *. 6 Places Booked Already
- Monthly LIVE WEbinars
- Monthly Training and Courses Videos
- Monthly workbooks, accountability sheets and actions.
Monthly Coaching Call with Rachel Holmes up to 60 minutes
Unlimited Whats app contact with Rachel. (PrICELESS)