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  • C2GO Instructor Digital Newsletter 26th March

    Fitpro Updates Newsletter 26th March

    Good MORNING

    Hello Gang, How are you????

    Have you managed now to start your online classes?

    It has been a steep learning curve but with help and support is is all happening.   It’s a joy to see many fab online classes, programmes, products and services, so huge WELL DONE.

    Once you have gone LIVE or used ZOOM and created a timetable of your offerings and feel more comfortable you can work on your coaching, teaching and making the videos look more professional and high quality.


     Pro Tips to help you 🙂

    Standing and Floor Work.

    Can look a bit strange if you position your camera for standing and you start standing but go to the floor and don’t move your camera.

    1:Experiment teaching a standing only class or a floor work  only in 30 minutes sections unless you know where to position your phone/camera when you go from standing to seated.

    2:When you do FACEBOOK LIVE to ensure you are teaching mirror image follow these steps otherwisw its very confusing for the viewer.

    Open Post

    Click LIVE

    Click the magic wand

    Scroll laterally the filter icons until you see the “flip around” options and click the one that flips you to mirror image. People will be able to read your branding and you can teach mirror image.

    4: How To Make the picture brighter and you in a sunnier frame.

    Click the “lighting” icone TL for a brighter picture.

    5:Music – Probeats from Pure Energy and the new Pure Energy GO Licence/royalty free to be safe.

    6: Want to shoot horizontally?

    You need to turn off the rotate lock button an iphone. Here is an easy video showing you how to do it


    Little tips to help you look more professional on Facebook and Instagram Live.

    We have sold out on the virtual 2 day Fitness Pilates course this weekend and the Virtual Level 3 Pilates Matworks with Fitpros who want to teach FP & Pilates online, So, we have  added more dates. Ideal if you are spending time educating and learning.

    Online/Virtual learning.

    2 Day Virtual Fitness Pilates 18/19 April- Click here to book

    Level 3 Pilates Virtual 22/23/24 April click here to boo

     Hope that all helps

    Keep in touch and join the Supporters Group for tons of updates on how to take your busiess online plus how to grow and look professional.


    Love and Hugs

    Rachel xxx

    **Updates To Help Your Online Programmes & Subcriptions**

    50 Online Workouts you can use in your groups click here

    50 Fitness Pilates Workouts you can use in your groups click here


    Do You Need Help?

    1:Join My SUPPORTERS group – You Get My “How To Take Your Classes Online” Course and  I post  daily updates on pricing, content, tech, filming.

    You also get massive bonuses on courses, music and the fastest updates.

    For continual updates on digital, marketing, branding and tech join my Facebook Supporters Group.


    Did you miss last Fridays webinar?

    Watch the replay it will keep you up to speed.

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