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  • Be Your Own Number 1 Fan








    We read about it all the time.

    The UK is getting larger.

    The NHS is groaning under the weight!! (excuse the pun)

    of the obesity crisis. I just saw on the morning news

    that Statins are going to be prescribed

    en mass……??


    The Fitness industry …apparently… is not doing

    it’s job of slimming & trimming

    & getting the nation fitter.




    I find when people say this really, and

    I am mean REALLY INSULTING & I want to scream!



    ALL the  FitPROS & PT’s I know



    Are doing the very BEST to encourage

    our clients to opt for a healthier lifestyle.



    To take part in fitness sessions &

    make healthier choices.




    We do OUR 10000%

    best to create fun, enjoyable

    & results based

    driven workouts.




    All of us in our own ways, in our own

    little villages, towns & cities our doing OUR bit.



    YOU ARE making a difference.




    YOU ARE doing your bit.



    You are changing lives.



    There are so many people YOU are touching

    & helping & supporting every single day.



    In person & via your social media platforms.

    1 Workout, 1 blog post, 1 status update, 1 tweet,

    1 kind word, 1 affirmation at a time.





    YOU Are making SUCH a amazing difference……




    So just a simple message from me today.



    Well Done on choosing a profession that

    IS making a difference.



    So, Keep sharing the love.



    Keep spreading the message.



    Keep motivating & Inspiring.



    Keep radiating positivity.



    And I most certainly know, there are days when you get

    worn out & worn down…gosh do I!



    But keep going my friends.


    Keep going with your

    affirmations, your ~ing writing

    & simple meditations.



    You ARE an amazing person and don’t You forget it!



    My affirmation today is from May Cause Miracles (Of course!)




    “I FEEL LOVE” say it with a smile all day today & know

    YOU are making a difference to everyone you come in contact with today.



    Be your own biggest cheerleader all day & everyday.



    You are super special!



    BIG LOVE As ever from your number one fan!


    Rach xxx


    PS. PLease Tweet me as I love to hear from you @RachelHolmes


    PPS I’ll be spreading as much love as possible today as its my old

    mate Jayne Nicholls birthday & we are all meeting up with Fitness legend Alex Rees. I’m so excited (Lots of you will remember Alex as a true fitness pioneer!)



    My new Seminar MAKE It HAPPEN is now up

    and can be booked online.



    I’m so EXCITED about this day.

    I’ll be covering lots of

    positivity tips, plus making more money

    in fitness and a whole host of things

    I’ve never shared before,

    but I think the time is right



    Its Saturday 10th May at

    The HILTON HOTEL East Midlands Airport

    which is Junction 24 of the M1 there is a train station

    right by and its dead

    easy to drive to.


    I hope you can make it.





    Are you A Group Exercise Manager of a Local Leisure Centre

    or Local Authority Trust or work for Council run Leisure Facilities?


    If so please email me for some exciting updates

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