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    Autumn Equinox Fitness Pilates Meditation Script

    Here is a meditation script you can use in your Autumn Equinox Fitness Pilates classes, we hope you find this helpful:

    Introduction (1 minute)

    “Welcome to this special Fitness Pilates relaxation and guided meditation for the Autumn Equinox. As we move into the season of change, balance, and letting go, today’s session will focus on grounding ourselves, reflecting on what we need to release, and embracing the new energy of autumn. Please find a comfortable seated or lying down position, with your spine straight and your shoulders relaxed.”

    Breathing and Body Awareness (2 minutes)

    “Close your eyes gently, allowing any tension in your face, jaw, and shoulders to melt away. Begin by taking a deep breath in through your nose… and a slow, controlled exhale out through your mouth. Let’s take three more deep breaths like this: in through the nose, and out through the mouth, feeling any tightness or stress release with each breath.

    Now, return to your natural breath, feeling the rise and fall of your chest and belly. Bring your awareness to your body. Notice how it feels against the mat or the floor beneath you. Ground yourself into the earth, feeling supported and stable. With each breath, imagine roots growing from the base of your spine or feet, anchoring you to the ground, helping you connect with the energy of the earth.”

    Guided Reflection – Letting Go (3 minutes)

    “As we welcome the autumn equinox, it’s a perfect time to reflect on what we’ve accomplished and what we need to release. Autumn is a time of letting go, just as the trees begin to shed their leaves.

    Now, gently shift your attention inward. As you breathe in, visualize yourself collecting anything in your life that feels heavy or no longer serves you. Perhaps it’s a thought, a habit, or a worry. With each exhale, imagine letting that go. Just like the leaves falling from the trees, allow these things to drift away softly and naturally.

    Take a few moments to breathe in clarity, and breathe out what no longer supports your growth.”

    Embracing Balance – The Energy of Autumn (2 minutes)

    “With the equinox comes balance – equal day and night. Let’s use this time to invite balance into our minds and bodies. Visualize the golden light of autumn surrounding you, a light of harmony and peace.

    As you breathe in, feel that golden light fill your body, balancing your energy, restoring equilibrium to your mind and heart. Feel this golden warmth circulating from your head down to your feet. As you exhale, release any imbalance, any excess tension, or unease.

    Allow yourself to rest here for a few breaths, fully immersed in this calming, grounding energy.”

    Closing – Gratitude and Affirmation (2 minutes)

    “As we begin to close this session, bring your awareness back to your body, to the space you’re in. Gently wiggle your fingers and toes, awakening your body slowly.

    Before we end, take a moment to express gratitude for this time you’ve dedicated to yourself today. The equinox is not only a time for reflection but also a time for appreciation. Mentally repeat the affirmation: ‘I am balanced, grounded, and open to the change of seasons.’ Repeat it quietly to yourself a few times.

    When you’re ready, gently open your eyes, bringing your awareness back into the room. Take a deep, final breath in… and exhale completely.”

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    This week in the FPVIP Club 

    *Multiple Fitness Pilates Autumn Equinox Scripts & Meditations 

    *Live Training on Wednesday 18th September 725 – 755am on YOUTUBE 

    Running an Fitness Pilates Autumn Equinox Online Masterclass

    In this session, we’ll cover everything you need to know to successfully run your own Autumn Equinox masterclass online. Key topics include:

    1. Creating a Masterclass:
      • How to design a unique, engaging, and transformative experience for your attendees.
      • Incorporating seasonal themes and energy into your Fitness Pilates session.
      • Structuring your masterclass to maximize flow, engagement, and value.
    2. Marketing Your Autumn Equinox:
      • Strategies to attract your ideal clients through social media, email marketing, and local outreach.
      • Tips for building anticipation and creating a compelling narrative around your masterclass.
      • Leveraging testimonials and past successes to boost interest.
    3. How to Sell It on Zoom:
      • Setting up Zoom for seamless registration, payments, and follow-ups.
      • Best practices for creating a professional and interactive virtual experience.
      • Tips for maximising engagement during the online session and creating a lasting impression.

    Whether you’re experienced in online events or looking to host your first masterclass, this talk will provide actionable steps to help you succeed


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