Movin Monkeez – Do you teach Under 5’s
Do you have relevant qualifications in teaching children under the age of 5? Would you like to run your own pre-schoolers classes but donât know where to start? Are you looking for something extra to do whilst the children are back at school? If you have answered Yes to any of the above then read …
Guest Blog Post by Marvin Burton
Firstly Thank you to the people who attended the Barnsley Big one North and Bristol on September 11th for my first day of Functional Freestyle 2011. I think we all agree that this workout supersedes the last 2 years. I’m in some pain since. I have Guildford and Manchester coming up this weekend and i’m …
15th September 2011 Instructor Newsletter
Hello and welcome to the Choreographytogo Instructor Newsletter. This is a free weekly resource that I designed 8 years ago years ago to provide support, ideas and back up for all Instructors and Personal Trainers. I love to receive your feedback, so if you do have any comments or would like to contribute in …
The Big One North 10 September 2011
Hey Everyone Its been such a great August as I’ve bounced around teaching Retro Robics is South Africa, My brothers wedding in San Diego and coming back to Blighty with horrendous jet lag and a to do list that stretches into 2015! Over a few too many glasses of South African Chardonny Steve Watson and …
Instructor Newsletter 8th September 2011
Welcome to the Choreographytogo Instructor Newsletter 8th September 2011 It’s September…. Hurrah and the whole of the UK appears to have gone on a diet or started an exercise class. Judging by the emails and Facebook/Twitter stuff I have seen, the kids have gone back and fitness is rocking! It really is great to see …
C2GOTV Twitter for your Fitness Business
Are you using Twitter to network and get yourself in front of the right people?
Instructor Newsletter 1st September 2011
Instructor Newsletter 1st Sept 2011 Note from Rachel First week down in South Africa and I’ve been fortunate to present in Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg. This weekend I’ll be presenting at The Reebok Convention in J’burg so its been such an exciting time and the Retro Robics program has been storming. I’ve …
Instructor Newsletter 25th August 2011
GOOD MORNING everyone, We are literally STEAMROLLING our way into September so by now I hope you are all fired up and ready for the 2nd biggest launch of the year in the fitness calendar. I’m getting all geared up for new classes and The Business Builder Seminar Days which are shaping up to be …