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  • The Fitness Pilates Blog

    Are you running a Fitness Pilates Summer Solstice Class this week?

    Are you running a Fitness Pilates Summer Solstice Class this week?

    It’s not too late to plan a Live Pop Up/ Outdoor (If it doesn’t rain) or a ZOOM Masterclass.

    This is how I plan a special masterclass or event and I thought it might be helpful for you and inspire you to do similar.

    Tips on Promoting a Summer Solstice Fitness Pilates Class

    Leverage the Unique Theme

    1. Highlight the Occasion: Emphasise that the class is celebrating the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, which is perfect for a rejuvenating FP experience.
    2. Special Theme: Pure Energy has releases a lovely Balearic Beats album perfect for a SS Class.

    Marketing Strategies

    Social Media Campaign:

    • Countdown Posts: Start a countdown to the event with daily posts and how people can book.
    • Engaging Content: Share the benefits of FP and how it aligns with the themes of renewal and energy that the Summer Solstice represents.
    • GO LIVE on social media: Do a live video explaining what participants can expect and why they should join.

    Email Marketing:

    • Exclusive Invitations: Send out email invites to your existing client base.
    • Highlight Benefits: Include information on the benefits of participating in a Pilates session on the Summer Solstice.
    • Early Bird Offers: Provide special discounts for early sign-ups LAUNCH Your Early Bird TODAY.

    Collaborations and Partnerships:

    • Local Businesses: Partner with local health food stores, wellness centres, and cafes to promote your event.

    Community Engagement

    Local Events:

    • Flyers and Posters: Distribute flyers and put up posters in community centres, libraries, and cafes. Remember to add your event OQ code for ease of booking.

    Community Involvement:

    • Charity Tie-In: Consider making the event a charity fundraiser, which can attract more participants and local support.

    Enhance the Experience

    Sunrise or Sunset Session:

    • Timing: Schedule the class to make the most of the natural light and create a magical experience – 
    • Photography: Hire a photographer to capture the event and share these visuals on your social media and marketing materials.

    Special Offers:

    • Goodie Bags: Provide participants with goodie bags containing small fitness accessories, healthy snacks, or discount vouchers for future classes.
    • Follow-Up Classes: Offer a package deal that includes the Summer Solstice class and several follow-up sessions.

    Creating Buzz

    Pre-Event Engagement:

    • Teasers: Post teaser videos or images of the location setup, instructors preparing, and any special features of the class.
    • Client Testimonials: Share testimonials from clients who have benefited from your Pilates classes

    Post-Event Content:

    • Recap: Share a post-event recap with photos, videos, and participant testimonials.
    • Future Events: Announce future events or classes to keep the momentum going.

    By leveraging the unique aspects of the Summer Solstice and employing targeted marketing strategies, you can attract a wider audience and create a memorable experience for your participants.

    Join my Fitness Pilates Summer Solstice Flow masterclass live or on replay today click here to book

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