Are you looking to teach something new in 2024? The Big Boxing Day Fitness Brand Sale

Lift lean NOW ONLY £127
Would you like to offer a new programme either in person or online?
Did you teach Kettlercise or Body Pump and looking for a new strength training class.
Grab the Lift Lean Live Training Course replay
GET THE FULL LIFT LEAN INSTRUCTOR Teacher TRAINING COURSE. Now Including the new Face To Face Lift Lean Live Classes.
Lift Lean Live Group Kettlebell Class: Learn how to teach the brand new group Lift Lean Kettlebell Class. No Kettlebell experience required.
Lift Lean Live Weights: Learn how to teach the brand new Lift Lean Weights Class. click here

Menofit NOW ONLY £179
- Train to Teach MENOFIT™
- Join for Rachel for the MENOFIT™ Teacher Training Course
- Work through the in depth training and make a plan of how to create, deliver and market your own MENOFIT™ programme.
- Plus online prerecorded Workshops to help you.
- Create Menofit Programmes for online, in person or Corporate.
MENOFIT™ Teacher Training
- Training Workshops delivered via an online training dashboard
- Additional Menofit™ Teaching Workshops.
- Access to the 14 day and 21 day Menofit™ Programmes for help with structure.
- How To structure, plan and market your own Menofit™ , Workshops & Talks.
- Use of the Menofit™ brand, logos, marketing material and trademarks.

Join the latest Walkfit™ Teacher Training Course- Become A Walkfit Instructor!
Updated training
WALKFIT™ Teacher Training Complete Updated
The Walkfit Instructor Training Consists of:
* 2 x 21/2 Hours Walkfit™ Teacher Training Workshop
* Walkfit™ workshop with Rachel Holmes
* Walkfit™ workshop with Kelly Reed
* Walkfit™ courses with 5 Walkfit™ classes in each.
*Walkfit Class choreography including 5 x 5 day Walkfit Classes.
*Power Walkfit
*Interval Walkfit
*Jog Walkfit.
*Mindful Walkfit
*Disco Walkfit
*House Walkfit
*Party Walkfit
*Walkfit Special Populations
* How To Teach Walkfit face to face and online.
*How To launch Your Walkfit Programme.
*Taking Walkfit into the community.
*Get Walkfit Logos, Branding, Marketing Materials, Press Releases, Facebook & IG Post Ideas.
*How To Make Walkfit Reels and Videos.
*Walkfit Workshop Notes
PLUS NEW WORKSHOPS on Foot and Ankle Gait
Walkfit™ Balance Training
WALKFIT™ Strength Training
Fully comprehensive Teacher Training Package.

Flex Instructor Training updated start today!
F L E X Is a strength, mobility and flexibility class for today’s lifestyle.
F L E X covers the theory and the research on stretch techniques and how to apply this to your F L E X Class.
- Dynamic stretching.
- Active stretching.
- Passive
- Static stretching.
- Isometric stretching.
- PNF stretching.
Following with the choreography and class components which include progressive mobility for all ages and demographics.
The Flex training includes:
- F L E X Mobility Formats 45 minutes
- F L E X For Special Pops
- Balance Pods, Stick Mobility & Towel Mobility.
Are you already a qualified FLEX Teacher
Attend this workshop as a refresher for you to launch your classes in 2024

What is included in the online training?
- Become a trademarked BrainFit™ Workout Coach.
- 5 BrainFit™ Workouts that you can teach right away.
- Access to BrainFit™ Workout online.
- Use of the BrainFit™ Workout logos and branding.
- How to organise and promote a Brain Fit Workout™ launch and business ideas to set up your classes.
- Watch the video of Rachel Holmes training the staff at Ragdale Hall Health Hydro and see the classes taught live for ideas.

Seniors Strong™ Training With Rachel and Kelly
Are you ready to launch a new programme for Active Seniors?
Join the Seniors Strong™ Teacher Training with Rachel & Kelly
Seniors Strong™ is a functional strength, cardio, and mobility class designed to improve cardiovascular fitness and functional fitness for older adults.
Learn new formats, class design and plans for Seniors Strong classes™
Identify common orthopaedic conditions and how to adapt exercise and routines using a chair, wall and stick.
Seniors Strong™ is a modern, inspiring and fresh class for older adults thatch be taught in person and online
Become a Seniors Strong Licensed Instructor

Are you a qualified Group Fitness Teacher or PT and would you like to offer Sit Fitness Classes.
Join our new Certification Course to teach Sit Fitness.
Learn How To Teach Seated Fitness, Chair Based Classes including Seated and supported classes.
You will learn everything you need to run inclusive exercise sessions which have a real impact on improving the quality of life for adults with limited mobility or injury.
*Understand physical, mental and social health benefits of chair-based exercise,.
*Appropriate Exercises and class planning to improve cardiovascular, muscular strength, mobility and flexibility and how to adapt exercises for individuals needs.
*Choreography, sequencing, exercise selection
*Orthopaedic conditions.
*Adapting chair based classes for special populations
*Seated CV Choreography
*Seated strength, mobility, band and weighted exercise.
*Class plans for assisted classes.
Plus Extra Bonus
The Original Sit Fitness Workshop with 4 Sit Fitness masterclass for Choreography ideas.
Do you want a deal on multiple courses? Get in touch!!