Friday 31st July 12 – 4pm on ZOOM
Advancing Fitness Pilates Workshop
ADVANCING Fitness Pilates Workshop
Join Kelly and Rachel is this brand new content for your Fitness Pilates Classes.
Workshop 1 MEN ON MATS
How to create, tailor and adaptĀ Fitness Pilates to suit men.
Whether you want to attract more men into your classes or create a specific Men on Mats session. don’t miss this advanced training.
Session 2 Fitness Pilates PreHab
Prevention is better than cure
Identify the very best FP exercises for form, function, and injury prevention and how to incorporate them into your FP class.
Experience a new Powerful Pilates class for your advanced participants.
*Including Guidelines to teaching more powerful sessions and how advanced to go without compromising safety.
Session 4 Fitness Pilates LBT
Explore the anatomy of the Glutes Hips & Thigh and using Balls and foam toller experience a functionally and highly effective
FP LBT Workout you can easily create for your own clients.