Learn the benefits of Pilates for arthritis
The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis, or damage to a joint’s cartilage. When cartilage is damaged, it results in bone grinding on bone. This is what causes arthritis pain and restricted movement, which in turn is responsible for a cascade of other issues, such as being unable to work or perform daily activities.
Benefits of Pilates for Arthritis
Physical activity can actually decrease arthritis pain, The expression “move it or lose it” applies here. Movement helps keep the pain and stiffness of the joints at bay, much like motor oil lubricates the engine of your car. We also know that exercise improves quality of life, increasing confidence, lifting our mood, and lessening depression.
It’s important to choose the right kind of exercise, so as not to worsen your arthritis pain. With osteoarthritis, as well as with other forms of arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis, anything jarring to the joints is out. Instead, look for low-impact exercises that work on maintaining range of motion for the joints, as well as stretching, breathing, and getting the heart rate up. This is why pilates is perfect!
Why Pilates is a Great Choice for People with Arthritis
For these reasons, Pilates is a good choice for people with arthritis. Pilates emphasises core stability, which helps with balance, as well as spinal flexibility, which helps you perform the activities of daily life, from driving to reaching objects on high shelves. In addition, Pilates helps to maintain or improve range of motion of the joints, which is so important if you have arthritis.
Getting Started with Pilates When You Have Arthritis
It is always best to check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program. Once you receive clearance from your doctor, the ideal scenario would be to find a qualified teacher in your area who has experience working with people with arthritis. If possible, take some private lessons. The instructor can offer tips just for you and your body. You’ll learn how to modify exercises if you choose to progress to group classes, semi-private sessions, or even online workouts.
Pilates Modifications for Arthritis
If you are in a group class setting, arrive early to let the instructor know about any contraindications (exercises or movements that your physician has told you to avoid, or that hurt). You may find that you need to modify some of the exercises to suit your body. For example, if you have arthritis in your knees, you may have to avoid deep flexing of the knee (such sitting on your heels to rest in Child’s Pose). You can place a rolled up towel behind your knees or simply choose another position to stretch the lower back, perhaps in a standing or supine position. A skilled teacher will usually offer alternatives during the class.
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