Good Morning Welcome to the C2GO Newsletter – 19th September. Are you going to the BIG ONE North event this Saturday at the Sheffield Institute of Sport. I’ll be teaching Fitness Pilates and 3style and the timetable has some fantastic sessions. Click here to book There are places available.
Basic Choreography Basic Low Impact Basic Step Triple Challenge/20/20/20… 20 minutes of Basic Step, 20 minutes of Basic HiLo and 20 minutes Conditioning. All making a come back amidst timetables jammed with Les Mills, HIIT, Barre and Circuit style gym floor sessions. Midlife consumers are looking for classes that require coordination and mental agility. Choreography that makes you think. Choreographed classes are in demand with very few Instructors having the skill set to teach them to a high level and its a big opportunity for the that can. Use your social media accounts to showcase your skills and class content.
Low Impact Basic Aerobics I filmed a basic Low Impact class here in Playitas yesterday, as when I asked on Instagram all the comments said BASIC ideas… so click the link above and enjoy.
ESSEX ACTIVATION BAND Workshop – I’ve added the 19th October in Virgin Active Chelmsford at 130pm Click here to book
️️FREE WEBINAR this Sunday 8pm️️ Do you want to scale your business and provide an online women’s health and wellness programme that includes nutrition, lifestyle, hormonal information, stress management, stress management, mindset and motivation? Join my FREE Webinar this SUNDAY 22nd September at 8pm. “How To Create an Online Women’s Health & Wellness Programme” 100 Spaces. Can’t make it LIVE? Register and I’ll send you the recording here: Wishing you a great Thursday |
Join the Online Lift Lean™ Summit
🚀 Join the Online Lift Lean™ Summit! 🚀 📅 Friday, 7th February 2025🕘 9am – 12pm (LIVE on Zoom – Recorded if you can’t make