As you qualified with us to teach
Fitness Pilates are you interested in
gaining your Level 3 Pilates?
The final course runs in London
this year.
I have 3 spaces left if you would
like to attend the training.
Have you been thinking about gaining your
Level 3 Pilates, many gyms and health clubs
are insisting you need Level 3 to teach for them.
* Qualified Pilates Instructors are in high
demand all over the UK.
* Pilates classes are continually busy with
waiting lists & an abundance of
clients looking for classes.
* The potential to set up your own
successful independent community classes
in a local venue.
* Clients are happy to pay in advance for Pilates courses
enabling you to run profitable community classes.
* Pilates is viewed as a premium class
therefore you can command a higher fee, more
than other group exercise classes.
2016 Level 3 Training Dates click here for booking
LONDON – 11/12/13 NOVEMBER 2016
Have a great day
Best Regards