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    Just got back from Fitpro LIVE.

    & HAD to scribble a quick
    over excited note to you.

    It was CRACKING!

    Excel was just THE best venue
    & huge improvement on Loughborough

    All the sessions in one EXPO.
    Loads of nice bars & restaurants
    within in seconds walk


    FLIPPIN A-MAZING sessions &

    One (Of a million) highlights
    for me was the inspiring
    & courageous

    Katie Piper (google her if you don’t
    know who she is)

    Her talk about her horrific ordeal
    & how she used the power of the human spirit
    & creating a positive mindset
    just rocked you to the very core.

    In 2 days I have learnt & experienced
    so much from not only the sessions,
    but spending
    time with my peers, other educators
    & the general buzz with everybody

    It was just wicked!

    & I CANNOT wait to share so much
    with you this week.

    Katie’s mantra when facing her darkest days

    “A negative mind will never lead to a
    positive live”

    How TRUE is that?

    Quick Highlights

    1: The Zumba Academy was kicking
    & seeing BETO live on stage was surreal!

    2: Dr J Beradi’s nutrition was outstanding
    (I’ll be implementing a lot of new info
    & research into KSFL)

    3: Jayne launched the HOT YOGA
    Will be bringing you info on that.

    4: PR/Marketing & Sales with
    Lesley Aitkin – Totally brilliant new age
    promotional ideas.

    5:Jenny Burrells – Pre/Post & nutrition
    talks, VipR training. simply awesome

    So many great sessions.

    Remember today…

    “A Negative Mind will never lead to a
    positive life”

    Have THE Best Sunday

    Love Always
    Rachel xxx

    Tweet me

    I’m updating the C2Go website today
    so you can still grab the
    Level 3 ONLINE Nutrition Qualification
    at £250  VAT

    Be Quick though as I’m updating it all

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