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  • Do You Want To Build A Profitable Online Fitness Business?





    Fitness Business Academy

    News & Updates for Fitness Entrepreneurs


    I hope you enjoyed my 5 Top Tips to creating
    your online Fitness Business – Have you added your email to get this? Click here
    The most important and CRUCIAL
    & I mean CRUCIAL thing that ALL
    budding Fitness Entrepreneurs
    must do is…………

    Build Your Email List
    Having an email list that you regularly
    communicate with is the backbone to your business.

    Being totally honest with you…

    If you don’t have a list.
    You don’t have a business.

    So, if you REALLY want to get your
    online projects off the ground start
    building your email list. TODAY.

    1: Select a content management system
    to deliver your emails & broadcast.

    Aweber. MailChimp. Constant Contact
    are all great to start with. Choose which one
    serves your needs.

    2:Create a Sign up box or “opt in” that you can
    promote on your Facebook & Twitter
    to get the email addresses of interested
    customers onto your email database(list).

    3:Add all of your existing customers & clients
    email addresses to the list.

    4:Write REGULAR email/newsletter/broadcast providing tons of
    great value content, tips & news
    that your customers will LOVE.

    5:Build an online relationship through
    daily emails, videos or audios connecting
    with your list.

    You don’t need millions of email addresses to create
    a profitable fitness business.

    50 – 100 Good quality emails is a BRILLIANT
    start & this will grow.

    I work on my building my email list every
    single day.

    It enables you to launch any new product
    or service easily to a database of people
    who LOVE you & the things you offer.

    Does that make sense?

    Tweet me @RachelHolmes

    Have a great day



    This newsletter & emails are solely for Fitness Entrepreneurs who are
    keen to develop an online fitness business, increase income levels, build
    profitable & sustainable businesses.

    Please feel free to unsubscribe & break up with me if you don’t feel
    ready for this yet as I will be sending some interesting
    business ideas and strategies in the coming weeks.


    Want to join my regular Fitness Business Academy Newsletter click here

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