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  • What Qualification Do I Need To Do Next?


    We get a lot of emails here at C2GO asking about which qualifications Instructors need to take their business and teachings into new niches and areas.

    Here is my breakdown of hot trends and which qualifications will help you target that niche.

    Pre and Post Natal Classes

    Huge growth area in the UK. Very  few classes around that are up-to-date and contain the latest information.

    Pre & Post Natal classes require a different business model to regular classes, as clients tend to be more transient, depending at the stage they are at.  Get your business model and systems in place and P&PN classes will become an successful and fulfilling fitness niche.

    There is a big demand and currently few qualified instructors.

    You can do the Level 3 Pre & Post Natal qualification as an online qualification click for the link


    Pre and Post Natal Pilates and Yoga

    Another big area with few qualified Instructors around the UK.

    The demand for P&PN Yoga and Pilates sessions is huge and there is a big gap for these types of classes.

    You would need the Level P&PN as above and Level 3 Pilates and Level 3 Yoga


    Online and Off line Bootcamps, FatLoss and Nutrition courses.

    Extremely popular as the industry moves towards results based programs.

    Level 3 Nutrition is currently the industry standard click here to view the online Level 3 Nutrition qualification





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