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  • Inspirational Fitpros – Cori Withell

    Here is a series of Blog Posts about my brilliant Mentoring and Coaching Clients

    I hope their stories inspire you!

    I joined Rachel’s mentoring programme because I wanted some direction and support in taking my business to where I wanted to be and wasn’t sure that I could do it on my own! 

    Rachel has such an infectious enthusiasm and unending positivity, right up my street!  The initial three months of mentoring were brilliant, the webinars were informative and educational and pushed you outside your comfort zone with the weekly homework.  Being held accountable was huge for me.  I knew that if I wanted to push my business forward then I had to do all the things that I had put off doing, new website with photos of me, blogs, putting myself out there as an expert.  The unending support from both Rachel and the other mentoring students has been brilliant.


    When I launched Mindful Health and Wellness I was terrified.  This was something completely new, no one else had attacked this angle in the industry.  This was completely new and a breakthrough in health and fitness and I had no idea how it would be received.  I shouldn’t have worried!  The response has been and still is brilliant.  With Rachel’s help I launched the Mindful Health and Wellness Coaching Programme and I thoroughly enjoyed it.  I am now just getting ready to launch my guide for emotional health for fit pros and will be launching one for the public shortly after that.  I am now working on a coaching programme specifically aimed at fit pros as we all know how lonely and stressful this industry can be at times and we rarely take the time out for ourselves that we should!  I also have another two projects in the pipeline that I am hoping will come to fruition during this following six months of coaching.  I have no doubt that I wouldn’t have got to where I am without the guidance and the occasional much needed kick up the bum to get things done!  MY confidence has grown to the point that I finally accepting an offer of presenting at the end of the year, something I would never have done before!
    Cori Withell CW Fitness

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