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  • Grow Your Business With The Tip A Day Strategty

    If  you get stuck on how to grow your socials and get new people into your classes and courses try my “Film A Tip A Day Strategy” 

    Boost Your Social Media and Business by Filming 1-Minute Tips Daily as a Walk and Talk

    Growing your social media account and business can be HARD, but a simple and effective strategy involves posting one 1-minute tip every day. I use this every day and it really works if you do it consistently.

    Here’s a quick guide on how to achieve this:

    Consistency is Key:
      – Post a new tip every day to build a routine and keep your audience engaged.
      – Consistency helps in establishing your presence and reliability.

    Content Planning
      – Plan your content in advance. Create a list of topics relevant to your audience.
    Ensure each tip is valuable and provides actionable insights.

    Filming Tips
      – Keep your videos short and to the point.
    Film while walking and talking so the back ground is moving

    Engaging Thumbnails and Titles:
     Create eye-catching thumbnails that represent the content of the video.
     Use compelling titles to grab attention and encourage clicks.

    Multi-Platform Posting:
      – Post your videos across multiple social media platforms: Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, LinkedIn, and Youtube

    Engage with Your Audience
      – Respond to comments and messages promptly to build a community.
      – Ask questions and encourage viewers to share their thoughts and experiences.

    Analyse Performance:
      – Identify which types of tips resonate most with your audience and adjust your content accordingly.

    Repurpose Content
      – Turn your tips into blog posts, infographics, or email newsletters for broader content distribution.
      – Reuse older tips with new insights or updates.

    By dedicating just 10 minutes each day to create and post valuable content, you can significantly enhance your social media presence and drive business growth. Start today, and watch your engagement and followers grow.

    Check out my socials for ideas and if you have any thoughts whats app. me 

    Love Rachel x
    Any questions whats app me 07976 268672

    Do you need help with your business and attracting new clients 

    Join my Supporters Business group. click here

    SUPPORTERS Business Briefing: Week Commencing Monday, 12 August 

    Monday, 12 August  
    Social Media Planning, Goal Setting & The Tip A Day Strategy  

       – How to Plan and Film Your Tip A Day Strategy  
       – How to create a social media calendar  
       – Tips for crafting engaging content  
       – Tools and apps to streamline your social media management

    **What is stopping you?**  
    Identifying the common reasons we don’t reach our business and health goals and how to change that:  

       – Time  
       – Vision  
       – Tech  
       – Systems and Processes

    **Fill Your Online Classes, Courses & Programmes**  

       – How to create compelling online class descriptions that attract sign-ups  
       – Strategies for pricing your online courses competitively  
       – Effective use of testimonials and success stories in marketing your programs

    **How to fill your face-to-face Group and PT this September**  

       – Strategies for promoting in-person classes and personal training sessions  
       – Creating the right offer and price  
       – Tips for enhancing the in-person experience to encourage word-of-mouth referrals

    **What Can You Offer That’s Different – NEW TRENDS** 
       – Assessing your current offerings and identifying gaps in the market  
       – Continuous improvement: Gathering feedback and iterating on your offerings

    Plus, Masterclass:  
    Monday 6:30 am Body Blitz**  

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