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  • Lift Lean The 30 Workout Protocol

    Music is The 30 Workout Pure Energy Go

    WORKOUT 4: The 30 Workout

    Runtime: 33:15 | 144 bpm
    Protocol: 30s work / 10s rest x 8 | 20s rest between rounds | Repeat for 6 rounds

    Round 1:

    1. Kettlebell Goblet Squats
    • Focus: Lower body (quads, glutes, hamstrings)
    1. Dumbbell Shoulder Press
    • Focus: Upper body (shoulders, triceps)
    1. Jump Rope
    • Focus: Cardio
    1. Plank
    • Focus: Core

    Round 2:

    1. Kettlebell Deadlifts
    • Focus: Lower body (glutes, hamstrings, lower back)
    1. Dumbbell Bent Over Rows
    • Focus: Upper body (back, biceps)
    1. High Knees
    • Focus: Cardio
    1. Russian Twists
    • Focus: Core (obliques, abs)

    Round 3:

    1. Kettlebell Lunges (Alternating Legs)
    • Focus: Lower body (quads, glutes, hamstrings)
    1. Dumbbell Chest Press
    • Focus: Upper body (chest, triceps)
    1. Mountain Climbers
    • Focus: Cardio
    1. Leg Raises
    • Focus: Core (lower abs)

    Round 4:

    1. Kettlebell Swings
    • Focus: Lower body (glutes, hamstrings) and cardio
    1. Dumbbell Bicep Curls
    • Focus: Upper body (biceps)
    1. Burpees
    • Focus: Cardio
    1. Bicycle Crunches
    • Focus: Core (abs, obliques)

    Round 5:

    1. Kettlebell Sumo Squats
    • Focus: Lower body (inner thighs, glutes)
    1. Dumbbell Tricep Extensions
    • Focus: Upper body (triceps)
    1. Jumping Jacks
    • Focus: Cardio
    1. Flutter Kicks
    • Focus: Core (lower abs)

    Round 6:

    1. Kettlebell Bulgarian Split Squats (Alternate Legs)
    • Focus: Lower body (quads, glutes, hamstrings)
    1. Dumbbell Lateral Raises
    • Focus: Upper body (shoulders)
    1. Butt Kicks
    • Focus: Cardio
    1. Plank with Hip Dips
    • Focus: Core (obliques, abs)

    Note: Ensure proper form and technique, especially with the kettlebell and weight exercises, to avoid injury. Adjust weights and intensity based on your fitness level and goals.

    Join my SUMMER CLUB – for daily workouts and ideas

    Join today and get a FREE Week of classes and masterclasses plus tons of ideas for your own SUMMER CLUB 

    *Join my Fitness Summer Club and get access to amazing LIVE and On Demand workouts, fitness challenges, women’s well-being workshops and daily nutrition tips and accountability.

    *Do as many classes live or on demand as you would like, use it for workout ideas, your own fitness or take me away on holiday with you. 

    *You don’t need to book a hotel with a gym all your need is your phone and minimal equipment.

    *Daily accountability win weekly prizes for doing the classes.

    *Walkfit & Step weekly challenges.

    *Classes include Walkfit, Lift Lean Fitness Pilates, HIIT, LBT, Conditioning, Aerobics, Step, Bootcamp, Dance, Stretch and Yogalates

    Be the FITTEST you have ever been this summer and join our wonderful community for 4 weeks.

    Hope you enjoyed the BalanceFit. here’s the details for the summer club ☀️

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