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    Tips for Getting Classes Teaching in Care Homes in the UK

    Tips for Getting Classes Teaching in Care Homes in the UK

    You may have seen we are offering the Level 2 Chair Based Qualification and you may be thinking how do I get too teach in a Care Home and here are my top tips for you to start contacting local care homes.

    1. Research and Identify Care Homes:
      • Compile a list of local care homes and assisted living facilities.
      • Look for those that prioritise wellness and physical activity in their programmes.
    2. Develop a Professional Proposal:
      • Create a detailed proposal outlining the benefits of your classes for residents.
      • Include information on your qualifications, the structure of your classes, and any special training you have for working with elderly or disabled individuals (ie you just about to do the Level 2 Chair based).
    3. Highlight Benefits:
      • Emphasise how your classes can improve physical health, mental well-being, and social interaction among residents.
      • Mention specific benefits such as improved mobility, reduced risk of falls, and enhanced mood.
    4. Get the Necessary Certifications:
      • Ensure you have relevant certifications, such as a Level 2 Chair-Based Exercise qualification.
      • Consider additional training in first aid and CPR, specifically tailored for elderly care.
    5. Network with Care Home Managers:
      • Attend local health and wellness fairs or events to meet care home managers and staff.
      • Join professional networks or organisations related to elderly care and fitness.
    6. Offer Free Demonstrations:
      • Propose a free trial class or demonstration to showcase the effectiveness and enjoyment of your classes.
      • Use this opportunity to gather feedback and testimonials from residents and staff.
    7. Create Marketing Materials:
      • Develop flyers, brochures, and business cards to leave with care homes.
      • Create a digital CV of clips of you teaching, your social media press pack.
      • Include testimonials, success stories, and any relevant research supporting the benefits of chair-based exercise.
    8. Leverage Social Media and Online Presence:
      • Use social media platforms to promote your services and share success stories.
      • Add a page about Chair based exercise on your website or blog
    9. Contact Local Councils and Community Centres:
      • Reach out to local councils and community centres that may have connections with care homes.
      • Offer your services for community events or initiatives aimed at improving elderly care.
    10. Partner with Health and Wellness Professionals:
      • Collaborate with physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and other healthcare providers who work with care homes.
      • These professionals can refer you to care homes and endorse your classes.
    11. Follow Up and Build Relationships:
      • After initial contact or a demonstration, follow up with care home managers to discuss feedback and next steps.
      • Building long-term relationships with care home staff can lead to ongoing opportunities.
    12. Offer Flexible Scheduling and Customisation:
      • Be willing to adjust your class times and formats to fit the care home’s schedule and the residents’ needs.
      • Customise your classes to cater to different levels of mobility and fitness among residents.
    13. Collect and Showcase Feedback:
      • Gather testimonials and feedback from residents, their families, and care home staff.
      • Use this feedback to continuously improve your classes and to market your services to other care homes.

    Teaching in Care homes is a extremely rewarding and highly recommended to become a specialist Teacher.

    By implementing these strategies, you can increase your chances of securing teaching opportunities in care homes and making a positive impact on the lives of the residents.


    Let me know 

    Book the Level 2 Chair based Qualification HERE

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