Sit Fitness Express Ideas For Fitpros
Sit Fitness Teacher Training on SIT FITNESS THURSDAY OFFER
✅Are you a qualified Group Fitness Teacher or PT and would you like to offer Sit Fitness Classes?
🚀Learn How To Teach Seated Fitness/ Chair Based Classes including Seated and supported classes.
You will learn everything you need to run inclusive exercise sessions which have a real impact on improving the quality of life for adults with limited mobility or injury including:
*Understand physical, mental and social health benefits of chair-based exercise,.
*Appropriate Exercises and class planning to improve cardiovascular, muscular strength, mobility and flexibility and how to adapt exercises for individuals needs.
*Choreography, sequencing, exercise selection
*Orthopaedic conditions.
*Adapting chair based classes for special populations
*Seated CV Choreography
*Seated strength, mobility, band and weighted exercise.
*Class plans for assisted classes.
Plus Extra Bonus
The Original Sit Fitness Workshop with 4 Sit Fitness masterclass for Choreography ideas.