How to Deliver a 6 Week Fitness Pilates with Pilates Bands
How to deliver a 6 week Fitness Pilates with Pilates bands course – including long band, loop band & activation bands with 6 week lesson plans that include warm ups & cool downs, teaching points, modifications & progressions
Learn how to deliver a 6 week Fitness Pilates with Pilates bands course – including long band, loop band & activation bands with 6 week lesson plans that include warm ups & cool downs, teaching points, modifications & progressions .
*New Fitness Pilates Workshop
*6 week lesson plans
*How to structure you course
Join Kelly as she takes you through how to create a 6 week beginners FP MINI BALL class with 6 weeks of lesson plans and progressions, Par Q, screening, offering adaptations and modifications.
You also get a full 6 weeks of lesson plans and the exact exercises you can teach.
This workshops will save you hours of planning and preparation and provides you with the perfect blue print to teach your beginners FP course.
Have just bought this having completed the Fitness Pilates 6 week Beginners and FP 6 week Mini Ball courses – sooooo good having them to follow along as a newly qualified Fitness Pilates instructor – I’m much more confident in preparing and instructing the class.