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    Quick Tips for New Pilates Instructors

    Quick Tips for New Pilates Instructors


    It is important to realise that although extremely effective, Pilates is a complex and nuanced form of fitness. Pilates has many layers that take practice to thoroughly understand. It’s definitely different than teaching a group spin or step class. New instructors will be dealing with different body types, equipment and will need to know how to modify the exercise to best meet the needs of each participant. Not doing so can lead to member dissatisfaction, or worse, possible injury.

    That can seem a little daunting for a new instructor…. but don’t worry here are some quick tips to help:

    1. Get a Mentor

    When you complete your instructor training with us you are at the beginning of the learning journey, not the end…If you have the opportunity to work with more experienced teachers, then do it! Attend classes and make notes, go on some masterclasses/ workshops to build up confidence. You will learn so much from those who have been instructing for long period of time.

    2. Pre-screen class participants

    The beauty of Pilates is that the exercises can be modified to meet the needs of each and every participant. But with a class full of different body types, conditions and abilities, that can be tough. Always ask your participants before they start a class to see if they have any physical conditions or limitations that you should be aware of.

    3. Learn how to market your classes

    Many instructors – new and old – just come to a class, teach, and then leave. Instructors are ambassadors to their program and they need to be active in that role. As such you need to learn how to retain current members and attract new ones. This means getting feedback from class members and using that data to create sessions that keep them coming back.

    4. Keep programming fresh

    In the same vein as the last point, one of the best ways to keep your members interested is to keep your programming fresh and fun.

    Some simple programming tips include adding props like balls or resistance bands to a class, or creating classes for specific member demographics like Pilates for golfers or Pilates for runners.

    5. Trust in the system and have fun

    You have completed your training and must be proud of your achievement and trust in the new knowledge you have ! Have fun and get your classes launched!

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