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  • Operation Back On Track

    c2go small infusion




     Operation Get Back On Track

    It’s Operation Get Back On Track this week
    as many of my class members were on hols
    last week,
    so this month I’ve packaged lots of offers
    and deals on the run up  to the
    main summer holidays.

    It’s so exciting to be in fitness right now so many ideas and opportunities
    but are you paralysed by
    too many ideas and not sure what to do next or what to pursue?

    Most mornings I wake up and think

    ” AHHHHHH where shall I start today ?”

    This can be so overwhelming at times 🙂

    Have you got a gazillion ideas – But don’t know where to start?

    Have you got a gazillion fitness ideas running around in your head but no idea how to get them out, organised and launched?

    Here Are My Top Monday Tips
    1. Write all ideas down a small separate squares of paper – like playing cards.
    2. Shuffle them around on the table so you can see all of the topics in front of you.
    3. Decide which one you can finish the quickest.
    4. Decide which one will bring you the most return or make you the most money or make you HAPPY!
    5. Choose 1 idea and then work on this tirelessly until you complete it.
    6. Do not like other ideas distract you until that idea is finished and launched.
    7. Repeat the above on a daily or weekly basis.
    Not roll up those sleeves and crack on!


    Love Rachel xx

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