That was definitely the biggest response I’ve ever had over to a newsletter over the last 10 years. I know, for many of you, deciding to take the plunge or not is taking up a lot of brain space and I’m so glad the articles really resonated with many of you. Claire and Nicola’s opinions really hit the spot. I’m so glad you got enjoyed the articles it really great to get so much feedback.
Here in Nottingham there’s a really spring feeling in the air and it inspired me to celebrate Group Exercise and encourage you to start a new community class. So this weeks newsletter I look at new class ideas and titles. As there are so many Zumba classes around it’s a fantastic time to launch something different and unique to you in your area. Be the purple cow and create some thing different. I’ve been brainstorming different names and titles for you and I hope one of those will inspire you to create an exciting class – Let me know what you think and if you do use one of my suggestions Tweet me @RachelHolmes
Fitness Pilates – This weekend in Edinburgh
Its my final Fitness Pilates – The Next Level Tour and I’ll be hitting Edinburgh on Saturday and Newcastle on Sunday. I wont be back in Scotland for a while so do come over if you can make it this Saturday it will be great to see you. Its been a great tour and I’m looking forward to presenting all of the new material north of the boarder. If you would like to get a last minute place click here
New Choreography Downloads
Call me a dinosaur but nothing will ever beat for me Super High Impact, Fast Aerobics Freestyle choreography with loads of travelling, jumping, jacking and minimal learning curves to the fastest music I can find. Its what I started teaching way back in 1987 and I still adore teaching it and I’ll continue to film downloads in this vein. If this is right up your street then check out my latest Old Skool Aerobics Mix since I launched it yesterday its been flying of the website.
Click here for Old Skool Aerobics Download
Jayne Nicholls
In the midst of many moans and groans at present I thought I would dedicate my piece to what a great industry we work in and why.
1. Our industry is massive, it is global and at any given time there are instructors all over the world doing the same thing with the same love and enthusiasm.
No matter where we go to in the world, we can meet people who do what we do, we can get new inspiration and even earn a few quid from teaching abroad whether planned or instant. Who else has this level of opportunity? All instructors who diversify and up-skill just keep on opening new doors. When we meet these people we have the choice of measuring our success against their, comparing our methods and our results, or watching, listening and learning to catch that 1 little thing that we are not doing ourselves.
2. Our industry is tiny, so small in fact that we can communicate with our peers at any level via newsletters such as this, conventions, Facebook and Twitter
Very few UK industries have access to the instant sources of learning and inspiration that we have created in fitness. As a business I cultivate ‘go to’ & ‘chatting’, 2 things that keep my business current and alive. We are face to face people with chat and interaction as the interface of our success. Lying low and hiding are simply not an option for us. Being seen and heard, is ultimately important and we have every opportunity to do it.
3.Our industry just keeps on changing, those of us who ride the changes just keep getting better and those who stick to just one thing fall by the wayside.
There is always a new and exciting way to teach fitness. Always a new audience and always a new result.
My message today is to take control. If your product defines you then you will end up disappointed because EVERYBODY moves on in this game. If we get bitter and moan about those who do not or have stopped coming to us for fitness, we miss out on all of the new people who do not know that we exist and are in desperate need of what we have to offer.
Listen to the expert not the loudest voice. Experts are easy to spot. They are always around, see you in Blackpool, Fit Pro, on tour……………………
j a y n e
Develop New Classes for Spring time by Rachel Holmes
Are you ready to launch some new classes this Spring – I’ve been brainstorming some class titles ideas you may want to expand on:-)
Dance Style Classes
Cardio Rhythms, Cardio Dance, Cardio Groove, Cardio Dance Fusion, Bollywood, Cardio Funk, Latino Grooves, Pop Dance
Chill Out Classes
Blissful Stretch, Fitness Pilates Revolution, Fitness Pilates Express, Flowing Stretch
30 Minute Express Workouts
Fat Burning Revolution, Explosive 30, Results in 30, The Dirty Thirty, Metabolic Express,
Conditioning Ideas
Body Transformation, Body Revamp, Body Upgrade, Body Makeover
If you like any and decide to use one I want to know! Tweet me @RachelHolmes
Great Music for Class
Along with new class ideas you just have to check out this months new releases from Pure Energy. I cannot recommend enough the new Time 2 Burn and the new Chart Breakers. I’m using these two mixes for just about everything this week and if you go to the Pure Energy Digital Website and use the code Holmes12 you can £5 discount on any of the mixes.
Click here for Chart Breakers Click here for Time 2 Burn
Are you Vlogging?
Last weekend Facebook launched the new timelines for business pages and the live streams workshop were awesome. I learnt so much more about Facebook and how crucial it can be Fitness Instructors promotional mix. For those of you struggling with everyone seeing all of you private info then you need to set up a Facebook Page for your business.
Give your page a personality with video clips of your classes, you teaching, home workouts and of course testimonials from your happy class members. So grab your iphone or Blackberry and start Vlogging and upload to your new page.
Brain Food
GOOD brain food- Read material written by successful people living the kind of life you want. Take note of companies that are running their business & seek out those that are 10-20 times bigger than yours for wise advice. (Don’t always take advice from peers who have what you have unless you want to stay there). Listen to CDs, MP3’s, Podcasts of those who are much farther down the road than you. Your brain will seek to stay congruent with what you feed it. STRETCH. – Dont buy books but dont read them ( I know you have the best intentions) Clear your shelves and get them all read before you order any more.
Books I am reading this week 🙂
1.Cortisol Connection Shawn Talbot
2..Sweet Jasmine, Cakes and Magic Catherine Sabatina (Fiction)
I‘m having a Facebook Party on the Choreographytogo Page
I’m having a party over on my Facebook page & I want to see you! I’m celebrating C2go Instructors success AND I’m giving YOU an open opportunity to tell me and everyone that follows the Choreographytogo page about YOUR business.
This is your one time, all day today, to share what you do with my 2800+ clients and fans who use the Choreographytogo Page.
My Facebook Insights show us that the information on this page reached over 2500 Instructors in the last week and. That is a big group of people who are interested in what you do and your classes and business.
Like breeds like and more than 1,199,429people are being reached through this Facebook page. This is YOUR opportunity to:
1. Post your business & what you do.
2. Please DO use the @tag feature and link back to your profile or Timeline page
3. Leave a full URL so people can find you!
I’ll be around most of today having a look at your info so please post away
Share your business and Join the Party! (lol)
Kick Start Fat Loss Spring 14 Day Detox Starts Monday
The KSFL2012 has been a great success, not just because of the outrageously good results, but everyone that comes on the detox embarks on a special journey. My aim is to educate Instructors with the latest fat loss information, provide you with cutting edge workouts that you can easily fit into your busy day and lots of mini Vlogs and workshops so you can understand why we are doing certain things.
In the Facebook group we discuss research, studies, new findings, experiences and support each other making the whole process a winning formula
.Fat Loss for Fitpros needs to be tailored differently, If you teach lot of classes and are constantly busy then the nutrition and fat loss has to be right for you which is why I created this plan, its not easy but by the end you will emerge a new person both mentally and physically.
KSFL2012 Spring Program begins on Monday 12th March and you can sign up today.
KSFL Essential Nutrition for Fit Pros Heres some of the topics we cover.
1.The correct supplements are key –
2. Eating a “traditional balanced” might not be as balanced as you think.
3. If you are snacking and grazing through the day this may be leading to weight gain and dips in energy.
4. Fruit could be aiding in you putting weight on.
5.Balancing blood sugar and hormones is the real key to fat loss.
6.Eating clean doesn’t have to be boring or bland with creative food ideas and recipes.
7.Smash outdated, food manufacture and supermarket led myths and why these keep you consuming more of the wrong types of foods.
8. Enjoy cooking clean, nutritious meal even if you are don’t like cooking ( you will by the end of this)
9.Breaking free from food and sugar addictions.
10.How stress impacts your weight gain and fat loss
11.Understanding the different diets and food choices for fat loss, different foods and diets for health, and different diets for maintenance. They all warrant a unique mix foods and supplementation.
Are you on board ? Click here to book ready to start on Monday
KSFL2012 Maintenance Club
Also starting on Monday for everyone who has completed KSFL and would like to jump on my brand new Maintenance Club click here . This is a 14 day program with me which looks at how to eat clean, workouts and still enjoy cheat meals and even the occasional glass of wine without sabourtarging your hard efforts on KSFL2012 you also get 8 new Workouts to do at home. The KSFL2012 starts Monday for 14 days.
How you think and feel is directly affected by what you eat. Evidence proves that eating the rights foods can improve your IQ, your mood, memory, emotional stability and keep your mind young.
Investing……..Reaping by Andrew Crawford
You cannot reap what you haven’t sown.
I know a lot of people who are trying to REAP before they have SOWN. Once you know the principal, you will see it everywhere….!!
Translated into modern day language……..
· Before you can reap interest you have to invest the capital.
· Before you can reap heat, you got to put in (invest) the wood.
· Before you reap success, you got to invest effort, time & commitment
Basically it means…..
You must FIRST GIVE before YOU can RECEIVE
I always remember this little poem from my primary school days….I am not sure where it came from but the contents mean more to me today than it did way back when.
Here is the poem…
Love is something if you give it away, give it away, give it away,
Love is something if you give it away, you end up having more.
It’s just like a magic penny, hold it tight and you won’t have any
Lend it spend it and you’ll have so many,
They’ll roll all over the floor ….for
Love is something if you give it away, give it away, give it away,
Love is something if you give it away, you end up having more.
There is a second verse but I won’t write it out today.
So Andrew….
What’s Reaping and Sowing got to do with Finance ?
Everything…..it’s the basics.
I believe that not all things are measured in financial terms but also non-financial return
Two recent examples have been floating on my mind this week…I didn’t know why until I dissected them and asked myself why they were just lurking there…..!
Two of the nicest guys you will ever meet within the Fitness Industry have recently reaped harvest on their earlier investments.
Some people will say they were ‘Lucky’….I say they are harvesting…reaping what they have previously sown.
If you were there over 20 odd years ago…these guys were there, if you went to a fitness event, they were there too.
They invested their own money, time, successes, failures, hopes, dreams..conquered their fears….
They divided their time
They subtracted negativity
They multiplied positivity,
They added passion, vision and desire
The result….?
One of them has the exclusive right to deliver the Muhammed Ali boxing training the other has just merged with Rosemary Conley
Yes, I’m talking about our very own ‘Pied Piper of Fitness’…Mr Kardy Laguda and Mr Andy Wake.
Both these men have invested years of their lives into following their own paths.
Let me say this here and now…… I ‘m not being paid to mention or promote them or their products..this article is just the RESULT of their continual commitment to give (sow) of themselves.
They are passively reaping the benefits of their earlier investment, commitement, blood ,s weat and …..yes….tears..!!!
This may be the reason you are on a path you set for yourself at this very moment….if not done so already, you will have received your payment from the efforts you have invested.
Conversely…if you sow negativity…you will reap negativity.
Let me end on this one…. (Yet another example…)
I visited a small barber in Newark yesterday (Wednesday)
After some small chat we got on the subject of martial arts. …then the topic of soul music…. then dancing…we were having a great chin wag…..when…BAM.
A name was dropped into the conversation which we both had common ground.
That name was Dean Hodgkin.
As you know me and me ole mate Dean are like Brothers…..(From another Mother)…..the new word being bantered around is ‘Bromance’… lol
This guy was mentioning good things about his experience with Dean and his past…..he went on and on…..
Dean continues to be an Ambassador to the UK fitness industry abroad….he still continues to sow and one day when I am old and grey, I will come across another person singing his praises…..all because he has sown good seeds…!!
What stories are people saying about you?
Invest wisely and reap the benefits for years to come.
And to all those romantics out there….
Before you reap LOVE you must GIVE love
Andrew Crawford
Visit our website at: www.fitnessindustryaccountants.com for more FREE resources and articles.
‘Like’ our page at: www.facebook.com/fitnessindustryaccountants
Andrew Crawford can be contacted on twitter @tax4fitness or info@fitnessindustryaccountants.com
How to Build Your On Line Fitness Business – Live EVENT in Birmingham NEC with Rachel Holmes and guest speaker Andrew Crawford
Bring your lap tops, Bring your ideas and Bring your enthusiasm as this is a new first of its kind event!
The date is Saturday 28 April at the Holiday Inn, Birmingham NEC 930 – 530am . I’ve got tons of new ideas , systems and strategies on teaching how to get set up and create your online Fitness Business. PLUS, the Fitness Industry’s leading accountant and Tax Advisor Andrew Crawford will be speaking on Trade Marking, Intellectual Property, Copyrighting and Accounts advice.
Due to the demand for spaces I have moved the day into a larger conference room at The Holiday Inn Express, NEC so I now have an additional 10 extra places.
I will be covering Networking, Public Speaking, Running Events, Creating Online strategies, Creating Online Courses and Webinars, Writing ebooks. It’s going to be action packed and brilliant for arming you with the best information on how to get your fitness business online.
The NEC is an easy venue to get to by road, rail and airport. Why not come by train? It’s easy and painless. If you want to stay over the Holiday Inn Express is very reasonable but the event is booking up really quickly so don’t hang about on this on.
To grab a seat on the day Click Here