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  • The Fitness Pilates Blog

    3 Benefits of using Kettlebells in Pilates Classes

    Incorporating kettlebells into Pilates classes can enhance the workout experience, offering unique benefits that complement traditional Pilates movements. Here are three key benefits:

    1. Enhanced Core Stability and Strength

    Pilates is renowned for its focus on core strength, and kettlebells can take this to the next level. The offset weight of kettlebells requires additional stabilization, engaging the deep core muscles more intensely than many traditional Pilates exercises. Movements like kettlebell swings, Turkish get-ups, or kettlebell deadlifts challenge the core to stabilize the body, helping clients develop greater core strength and stability. This not only improves performance in Pilates but also in everyday activities and other fitness routines.

    2. Improved Functional Strength and Mobility

    Kettlebells are excellent for building functional strength, which aligns well with the principles of Pilates. The dynamic, full-body movements required when using kettlebells improve muscle coordination, strength, and flexibility. Exercises like kettlebell lunges or windmills combine strength training with mobility work, promoting better range of motion in the hips, shoulders, and spine. This can lead to improved overall mobility and function, helping clients move more efficiently and with greater ease both inside and outside of the studio.

    3. Increased Cardiovascular Endurance and Calorie Burn

    While Pilates is excellent for strength, flexibility, and control, integrating kettlebells introduces a cardiovascular component that can increase the intensity of the workout. The dynamic nature of kettlebell exercises, such as swings or snatches, raises the heart rate, providing a cardio workout alongside the traditional Pilates benefits. This combination can enhance cardiovascular endurance, boost metabolism, and increase calorie burn, making Pilates classes more comprehensive and effective for clients aiming for overall fitness and weight management.

    Incorporating kettlebells into Pilates can add variety and challenge to classes, offering clients a more dynamic and well-rounded workout experience!

    NEW Fitness Pilates Kettlebell & Stretch  workshop live on Zoom 23rd August 2024 12 – 2

    EARLY BIRD for 24 hours only CLICK HERE TO BOOK

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