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  • Still buzzing and flying since arriving back for San Diego. You really cannot beat a good fitness convention to get you all fired up and motivated. This week we have a lot of great advice and ideas so make sure you take a pen and write down all of your ideas as you have them, whilst reading the newsletter.

    With the school holidays just about on top of us, community classes usually see a nose dive in numbers, I know many of you cancel, amalgamate or rejig your timetables accordingly. It may be worth pointing out that its clients with families that tend to go on holiday at this time of year,  where as your local retired folk often stay put. Might be worth changing up your marketing to attract the retired crowd or offer Kiddies Bootcamp and Family Fitness sessions.

    Todays newsletter also contains a mini Q and A with all of the contributors. I was reading my favourite fitness blogs yesterday and I find a quick Q and A can really inspire you.

    Check out this weeks great articles from Yvonne, Cori, Jill, Claire and Jayne.

    Small Group Training Workshop with Katie Bulmer and Rachel Holmes

    This has come round so fast and Katie and I are really psyched to be bringing you a ton of useable information. The success of SGT is often down to the marketing. It has to be marketed differently to Group X as why would a customer pay a premium for this service. How you deliver your sessions has to be different and the course needs to have an end result.
    Katie and I will arm you with all of this information enabling you to prepare and launch in the Autumn. You can still grab a last minute place click here.

    Kick Start Fat Loss for 55+

    This is a new pilot detox that launches on Monday. I’ve tweaked the nutrition, the protocols and have filmed new lower impact routines for this 10 day plan. I’m looking for women 55+ who are struggling with mid section weight gain, hormonal fluctuations, body shape change so if you fit the criteria I start Monday for 10 days. Its all online as all of my KSFL courses are.  You can sign up here.

    Q and A with Rachel Holmes

    1.Describe Your Fitness Niche.

    Instructor education and support. Online fitness entrepreneur. Public speaker and presenter.

    2.How did you decide on that niche.

    I have been educating and training Instructors for 20 years, through presenting for Nike, Fitcamps and Fitpro moving on to creating my own training business and website: Choreographytogo Ltd. I still teach classes locally but the main part of my business is creating new programmes – online and offline, presenting internationally and hosting workshops and training courses. Ive been encouraging fitpros to work in the community and set up their own brands for 15 years now!

    3.How do you market your self and your business.

    Loads of ways, it never stops, its a continuous process….The weekly newsletter is the back bone of my whole business.
    I have daily social media strategies, weekly videos, blogging and audioblogging. I also still employ a lot of “old skool” marketing such a flyers, magazine adverts, local radio interviews. I aim to build relationships and a community for my customers.

    4.What skills are you working on get where you want to be.

    Im always working on my technical skills and updating my fitness, nutrition and exercise knowledge. Im really interested in neuro science, food addictions, staying young & beating the aging process with exercise and nutrition, and exercise adherence plus constantly learning about the internet, websites and online technical knowledge.

    5.What are your future fitness business plans.

    So many,….getting KSFL out to more and more people via the media and social media. Im looking at Informercials and generating a higher media profile for myself via magazines and TV.

    6.Any tips to help and motivate aspiring Fitness Entrepreneurs.

    Build on your own original ideas. There are literally TONS of untapped niches and ideas in fitness, health and nutrition that no one has tackled. I see many potential areas where the right person with the right approach could dominate.
    Entrepreneurs need to understand  it will take some serious sweat, hard work and hours and hours of graft but the wonderful thing is that the health and fitness industry is still in it infancy and has humungous potential and opportunity. This is a bold statement but I believe it that if someone says they work an hour a day in a fitness business then actually they don’t have one.
    Im inspired by people like Richard Branson, Michelle Mone, Hilary Devey, Theo Paphitis these are multimillionaires that are still on a mission, pushing the boundaries, making a change, fulfilling their life potential.
    When you are a true entrepreneur it is in your veins. I’ll be in the fitness business for ever, it defines me and its what I absolutely love.

    7.What are your future fitness predictions.

    Fitness Entrepreneurs are international brands. Creating your space or brand on the internet is crucial for you to reach more and more people with your message and products. Fitpros have to get step things up and get professional online.
    A professional looking interactive website, a solid social media game plan, attend all the conventions for networking and constantly stay on top of the game.
    Its not only about being a great Instructor or PT take your message to a wider audience and hone your public speaking skills. Organise workshops, events, speak at local business groups and women groups. EVERYBODY wants to know about fitness, health and weightloss its the best topic in the world and you can deliver YOUR message in your way.
    Network, network and then do some more networking. Pick up the phone to organisations and offer to talk, practice your talks and lectures until you are supremely confident.
    Read everything you can on nutrition, weightloss and diet. Everyday there is some new nutritional information, be on the cutting edge.
    Mindset coaching has been the missing link for a while now. Read everything you can on motivation, neuroscience, brain gym and self development.
    The Entrepreneur of the future will package nutrition, exercise and mind set work in a variety of ways and delivery methods. Make your clients happy, make fitness and nutrition enjoyable, help people lead happier healthier lives – Package all of that and you have cracked it!

    8. What Motivates you.

    Social Media motivates me. I’m a people person I love talking to people and hearing about what they like/dont like.
    I get the best ideas when Im teaching class and in the shower.
    I love following motivational people on Twitter and YouTube. I wake up everyday, reach for my ipad to read what my favorite motivators are saying or doing.
    Jayne Nicholls motivates me we speak a million times a day and bash out ideas all the time. I think its CRUCIAL for all entrepreneurs to have someone to bounce ideas of and chew the fat with.
    Training plays a big part in my life. I have been weight training since I was 14 and I still love going to the gym I always get ideas when Im training.
    I listen to a lot of audiobooks and also read a lot of trashy chick lit.

    I hope you have found that motivational – Love Rachel x.

    Jayne Nicholls Q and A

    1. Describe your Fitness Business Niche.

    I have always wanted a very big small business that instructors feel confident to come to for honest answers and affordable training. I like to do a few things really well. My products always push the boundaries of current understanding and performance focusing on ”up-skill” and deeper understanding.

    2.How did you decide on that niche.

    From day one in the fitness industry I  was taught that there is always a better way. To find the better way you have ot ask questions and debate what you are doing right now and why. this simple formula always gives you something to talk about and promote. It also guarnatees long term growth and excellence.

    3.How do you market your self and your business.

    I use my website, i issue a weekly newsletter, I write for the biggest industry organisations that have empathy with my business and constantly promote the same message. I also place ads in various consumer magazines.

    4.What skills are you working on to get where you want to be.

    Promotion to a greater audience of instructors who want to achieve soem realistic goals based around teaching fitness to the general public.

    5.What are your future fitness business plans.

    I am working on 2 major projects right now, one that will change the daily income and buisness set up of instructors who trust my brand and the other is a more personal promotion project with Rachel Holmes. Both based around what we deserve from the job that we do.

    6.Any tips to help and motivate aspiring Fitness Entrepreneurs.

    This is simple be honest and develop yourself and your skills. Never talk about things you are thinking of doing, always discuss those things that you have done and are 100% confident with. Be an individual and never look sideways or downwards for information. Look forward and look upward, show respect and stick to what you do best.

    7.What are your future fitness predictions.

    These are exciting times for instructors who are willing to focus on the practical and realistic business of teaching exercise. The savy instructor will start to focus on the other 80% of health and offer overall wellness information to fuel their skills and income.

    8. What Motivates you

    I love doing and learning new things. I have recently been taught some great lessons in simply listening to those who are actually doing great business rather than those who dont. Love working with other positive business people currently Rachel, Nic Jarvis and Bobby Cappuccio.

    Yvonne Radley Media

    1: My niche is to get fit pros in the media

    2: I decided on this niche after listening to Brian Grasso at FEB – he encouraged us all to follow our passion. I’d worked in journalism for more than 20 years and in fitness for 18 months. It made sense to fuse the 2 careers.

    3: I use my blog to market myself, Facebook and Twitter. I also Network online and offline.

    4: I am constantly reading business books and learning online skills like how to host a webinar, how to create a Twitter background, even how to build your own website.

    5: My future business plans are to launch a media starter pack teaching fit pros how to get media attention. I then intend to offer media coaching to a small number of clients who work hand in hand with me on a special project for one month.

    6: My number one tip would be to follow your passion and even if you are afraid do it anyway.

    7: I think there’s a real change coming in fitness where fit pros make a lot of money following their dreams.

    8: What motivates me is helping people, making money, and number one having the freedom to do what I love every day.

    Yvonne Radley from YvonneRadleyMedia .com find me on twitter @yvonneradley find me on Facebook too just search Yvonne Radley

    Sally Ghafoor   Social Media Butterfly

    Back in April this year many of you attended Rachel’s fantastic How to build your online fitness business seminar. The atmosphere was incredible and the content was amazing.

    Since then myself and Rachel have been working together to bring the content from the seminar and more into a book for those who were unable to attend and for those who want a reminder of the content and how to push their online business forward.

    Looking online and on forums, it would seem classes are very up and down at the moment, so now is a great time to create an income from an online stream.

    For a quick insight into the book here is a exert from the book, its on branding.

    “Regardless of age, regardless of position, regardless of the business we happen to be in, all of us need to understand the importance of branding. We are CEOs of our own companies: Me Inc. To be in business today, our most important job is to be head marketer for the brand called You.”- Tom Peters in Fast Company

    Are you ready to be head marketer of brand YOU? Anyone can create a website, but if you want the edge in business, you need to create your brand. Right this minute, starting now, you are a BRAND. Everything you say online and in your business is promoting BRAND YOU. You remember we wrote a vision statement earlier, it is time to write your brand statement:

    Question: What is it in your product or service that makes you different to everyone else?
    Answer……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………….
    Did you find that hard? You see this is not about job title this is about brand you. So if you have left the above exercise blank, answer these questions and come back to it later.

    What makes YOU different, what does your product service do differently to another brand? Do you deliver only hard going classes that people have to drag themselves off the floor when leaving? Do you give a little extra to your clients by giving them free workouts? If your friends were to describe you what would they say was your greatest trait? Are you the experienced one or the reliable one? What would your clients say was your greatest attribute?

    When the fitness world knows your name, what do you want to be known for? What is your passion?
    A brand just isn’t a logo that identifies you, it also how people perceive you and your business

    Let’s look at the Zumba brand. It’s cool, it’s sexy, it’s easy and its fun. Everything the average woman wants from an exercise programme. Deep down inside every woman wants to be a sexy dancer, well with Zumba they can. There is no instructor standing at the front with a frown on their face if your arm lines aren’t perfect, the instructor doesn’t care, you could be going in completely the wrong way but if you’re moving to the beat you’re doing Zumba. All of their logo’s scream about their brand, it’s in every page of their website. Love it or hate it, Zumba is the epitome of good branding.

    Get a great logo, a logo that screams out your brand. If you are lively and fun make sure that is reflected in your logo. Whatever your company is make sure it can be seen in your logo. Your logo must go on everything to do with your business. Keep the colour schemes the same; keep the look and the feel the same in everything you do. You want online users to see your brand name as much as possible and associate your brand with a certain line of product or service.

    Be consistent – you must deliver on your brand or your brand is worthless. You are the voice of your brand – your customers/clients will convey the message of the brand – You are who they say you are.

    For more updates on the upcoming book sign up to my facebook page www.facebook.com/socialmediabutterfly or go to my website www.sallyghafoor.com and enter your name into the newsletter catcher to ensure you do not miss the launch of this awesome book!

    Jill Gardner
    1. Describe your Fitness Business Niche.

    Easy, quick and do-able fat loss for time-starved, fed up and ‘tired of dieting’ individuals!

    2.How did you decide on that niche.

    I was never a lover of cooking but a lover of eating food.  I was not a lover of exercise but am now addicted to the feeling I get  from it.  I used to be overweight, tired every diet under the sun and had no self-steem.  After 20 years of trial and error I have learnt how to control fat, mood and motivation with food and exercise.   I am now fit, lean and running a successful business based on these experiences and learnings.

    3.How do you market your self and your business.

    I use social media, local networking and word of mouth as my preferred method of marketing.  I have never had a leaflet printed yet.  Social media has been key for my business but it has take a good two years to get it where it is today.

    4.What skills are you working on get where you want to be.

    I am working on my technical skills to enable me to push my business ideas forwards.  I am also working on time management and organisation.  Something I have also learnt recently – ASK FOR HELP!

    5.What are your future fitness business plans.

    To get more media attention, expand my range of products including books, on-line programmes and branded merchandise.

    6.Any tips to help and motivate aspiring Fitness Entrepreneurs.

    Look after yourself!  Don’t be afraid to show your passion – Don’t hold back or be apologetic about what you believe! And teach what you are passionate about and not what you think you should!

    7.What are your future fitness predictions.

    Gyms will reduce in size as our desire for mass wall to wall cardio machines reduces.  People will start to move towards more mind body programs in a bid to reduce stress.  Classes and workouts will become shorter but more intense.  Cookery and nutrition will become the focus for people wanting health and fat loss.

    8. What Motivates you

    My desire is inspire people to change their lives and understand how to feel stronger, fitter and happier!

    Standing on a mountain of value Jill Gardner

    I used to worry a lot………

    I don’t know enough
    I need to go on more courses
    I am not nearly as qualified as some
    Maybe I don’t know enough to be ‘an expert’

    This last year has taught me loads!  But the most important lesson I have have learned is that I already know tons!  In fact I know more than anyone else I know!

    OK bold a bold statement to make but let me finish……..  The experiences I have had, the pain I have suffered, the mistakes I have made, all the successes and bright spots I have encountered have all shaped me into who I am.  They have all enabled me to develop solutions, methods, ideas and tools for others to use.  I can help others shape their path and environment to achieve the same things I have been able too but in a much quicker, and less painful way.

    This makes me unique and means that my value is high.  No one else has lived my story and no one else can offer what I do.

    So there you have it.  You are already worth so much more than you think.  All you now need to do is believe in yourself and know you are good enough just as you are.

    Find out who it is that you can serve best and do the world a favour and go and help them!

    Big love, small tummies!

    Jill Gardner – The Fat Controller  www.hateitchangeit.co.uk www.facebook.com/hateitchangeit

    Having a bad day Cori Withell

    We all have them and to try and pretend we are not when we are is futile.  So what do you do?  You are a self employed group x or pt instructor?  You need to be that smiling face, listening to people’s problems and worries like you have none of your own, you need to be your clients friend regardless of what you are going through – my god, it can be SO hard sometimes.  This is my essential list of how to get through those bad days.

    1) Get out of the house during the day as much as possible prior to teaching.  If you don’t, dragging yourself out of the door at the last minute is going to be doubly difficult.
    2) Eat well.  The tendency to eat rubbish when we feel rubbish is huge so even if you do have the chocolate, caffeine, carb binge, get some greens and protein in there too.
    3) Talk to everyone you meet, strangers or not.  When out mood lowers the tendency is to isolate ourselves and not speak to people – you need to communicate otherwise doing that class in the evening is going to be ten times harder.
    4) Drink loads of water, we seem to forget when stressed and upset and hydration is key in all things relating to mental and physical health.
    5) Sleep – stress and depression are exhausting, there is no getting away from that.  Nap in the afternoon if you can, but don’t let it go on for more than 45 minutes.  If you do, you will struggle to get up and the temptation to pull the duvet over your head and stay there may just be too great.
    6) Listen to a relaxation or meditation audio – this really do help.
    7) Treat yourself to something nice – preferably something that gets you out of the house and mixing with people.
    8) Avoid the alcohol – it will only make you feel worse.
    9) Accept that everyone has bad days and it is not a weakness.
    10) Be kind to yourself.

    If you bad day or days rolls into weeks then it is time to get some help.  If you are just needing extra support then pop along over to my Mindful support group on Facebook, you can request to join here https://www.facebook.com/groups/mindfulhealthandwellness/
    If you need food suggestions to uplift your mood then my Mood Food cookbook may be just what you are looking for www.cwfitness.co.uk/shop

    Next week, which supplements help for which mood and emotion 🙂

    Cori’s Q and A

    1.  My fitness business niche.
    I work within the remit of mental fitness or mindful health and wellness.  Basically meaning that I work with the ‘whole’ person looking at emotional triggers and potential mental health issues.  Specifically I work with people who suffer with depression, chronic stress, anxiety and eating disorders to name a few!

    2.  How did I decide on that niche.
    I have suffered with chronic depression most of my life culminating in a massive nervous breakdown in 2000 so I can really identify with my client base.  I was splitting up from my husband when I decided to take a huge leap of faith and told my story in my newsletter.  I had always hidden my depression from people as I had felt so ashamed and it grew from there.  From sharing what I was going through, I got an overwhelming response and I knew then in my heart of hearts I had done the right thing.

    3.  How did I market myself and my business.
    If I’m honest I’m not sure I really did to begin with!  I just started sharing more and more about me and as more and more people contacted me I decided I needed to set up a closed support group which I did and which continues to have new members daily (Mindful Health and Wellness Members Only on Facebook 😉  As people began to hare I realised there was a real need for this in the community, I did my research and found that this really was a completely untapped market, this was scary, I had no template to follow!  So, I asked my group what information they wanted and then started daily blogs covering the topics that were most important to them.  I noticed a lot of fitpros joining the group and realised this was another need and so The FitPro Mind was launched, quickly followed by the nutritionally sound Mood Food Cookbook and at the moment I am in the middle of 7 Days to Little Miss Bliss to help de-stress those in need of a little chill out and ‘me’ time.  Looking back, marketing for me, was constantly talking about it, pushing press releases daily, commenting on every news story I could find that related to mental health!

    4.  What skills am I working on to get to where I want to be.
    I am currently looking at doing counselling courses and hypnotherapy to be able to assist my clients further, I read, on average, one book covering the huge field of mental well being and constantly research for new information relating to the best foods, emotional control and exercise.  From a business perspective I need to be more proactive and network more but then I think we could all say that!  I am looking at new coaching programmes tailored down to specific areas within my niche.  I am working with local health care professionals but this will be a long work in progress trying to break down so many barriers about mental health but I am so looking forward to bashing them down!

    5.  Future fitness business plans.
    I am looking into holding workshops and presenting on a national level and international long term.  I don’t see the point in dreaming in small size!  Currently working on my next Mood Food Cookbook – vegetarian as there is the demand for this!  I am also working on The FitPro Mind 2 and a very special book that will hopefully be published next year but cannot say too much about it just yet!  I am going to continue with my online side of the business as this is going from strength to strength and whilst I want to continue to teach I will be looking to reduce so I can concentrate on my writing and support groups.  I am also looking forward to launching a live support group but again, the timing has to be right for this with all the mental health barriers that abound!

    6.  Tips for future fitness entrepreneurs.
    Believe in yourself.  Lack of self confidence will destroy your fitness ambition quicker than anything else.
    Never stop learning, when you think you know your stuff go out there and find out stuff that you didn’t know.
    Concentrate on what you are doing and not what others are doing.
    Don’t just dream big, dream HUGE 🙂
    When something doesn’t work, find something that does just don’t stop moving forwards.
    Don’t be afraid to specialise.  When I first started in the industry I wanted to be an expert in everything believing this to be the way forward.  How wrong was I?!  Be as specialist and niche as you can, it sets you apart from the rest and gives you a great platform from which you can launch yourself however you wish.
    Every creative idea you have, write it down in a notebook, you won’t remember them.
    The fitness industry moves fast, keep up!
    Never stop creating, whether it is routines, products, articles, be creative every day.
    Be passionate with every ounce of your being in what you are doing, that comes across to your clients more than anything, give everything you can and it will reward you handsomely.

    7.  Future fitness predictions
    I have no doubt in my mind that mind and body classes will appear more and more and emotional well being will become more and more important.  You only have to look at the way the industry has changed over the last 18 months and the amount of media stories that appear on a daily basis means the industry has no option but to respond.

    Getting BUMPS on seats – Pregnancy Marketing Manual
    By Claire Mockridge – Ante/Postnatal Fitness Expert

    Hi there everyone,

    As you know, I’m an Ante/Postnatal Fitness Expert and have been working with pregnant and postnatal women for over 6 years ago now, and whilst I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE teaching this client group, one of the reasons why my business is so successful is due to my strengths in marketing and advertising, specifically to this niche population.

    If you have your Ante/Postnatal qualification (or studying it now), and you simply don’t know where to start when it comes to marketing and advertising to this client group, you’ll be pleased to know I can certainly help you.

    “Getting BUMPS on seats” – Pregnancy Marketing Manual is now available exclusively for FitPros, Ante/Postnatal Specialists and Pilates Instructors for the EARLY BIRD PRICE of £57.  This offer ends at midnight on Thursday 19 July 2012.

    Grab your copy now, and reward yourself with a full pregnancy class starting in September.  In my experience, you’ll need at least 6-8 weeks to market your services and get your message out there for this population.

    “Getting BUMPS on seats” contains 9 different sections and you’ll receive marketing hints, tips on pricing and packaging your services, notes on client retention and why it’s so important, how to write killer newsletters, sample lesson plans, how to prepare for your first pregnancy class (eek!), webinars, YouTube videos, sample lesson plans and much, much more!

    It’s a complete marketing package, designed exclusively for FitPros, and I’ll be there with you, every step of the way.

    For a detailed list of what’s contained in “Getting BUMPS on seats” and who it’s for, watch this YouTube video: http://youtu.be/NO7Gt_OnvAI,  or listen to this audio file: http://soundcloud.com/clairemockridge/getting-bumps-on-seats/s-gBKXb

    Join my Private Facebook Group here for more information: https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/clairemockridge/

    Or, connect with me here:

    Facebook:  www.facebook.com/clairemockridge1
    Twitter:  www.twitter.com/clairemockridge
    Blog: http://clairemockridge.wordpress.com/

    Bye for now.

    Claire Mockridge
    Ante/Postnatal Fitness Expert

    Children are like Marmite by Becky Lane

    Teaching children is what I like to describe as Marmite, you either love it or hate it!  After last weeks re-launch of Movin Monkeez it was clear to see how many of you love working with little kiddies. I was overwhelmed to hear how many instructors share the same passion of getting little ones up, moving and educating them about fitness and health.

    At a young age children will establish habits which they will continue to adopt throughout their life so this is why it’s essential to get them early on to develop healthy attitudes about exercise and fitness.  If you can help with trying to reduce those nasty obesity statistics then this is such a great achievement.

    Little ones are like sponges and absorb information every day so why not let that information be about health, fitness, nutrition, well being along with fun packed exercises to keep them on the go!  Why wait until they get to school?
    Not only should we educate the children but sometimes it’s the parents that need guidance and help which is why an educational programme such as Movin Monkeez is ideal.

    If you are thinking about starting classes for children then there is no better time than now to get out there!  I don’t quite understand it but most of the children’s activity classes stop in the Summer so this is a great opportunity for you.  Parents are becoming more aware of health and fitness and will be looking for the next best thing to take their child to so by incorporating all of the above you will be onto a winner!

    If you would like further information on Movin Monkeez then please feel free to drop me an email at becky@movinmonkeez.co.uk

    You can also find me on:
    Twitter – @beckyfitness
    Facebook – www.facebook.com/pages/Movin-Monkeez-HQ

    Beckys Q and A

    1. Describe your Fitness Business Niche.
    Getting mums fit with young children, pre-school dance and fitness

    2.How did you decide on that niche.
    Since having Annie

    3.How do you market your self and your business.
    I use myself as an example, market through Facebook and Twitter mainly.  For local classes a parish magazine and for Movin Monkeez mums and working websites.

    4.What skills are you working on get where you want to be.
    How to use social media effectively, creating webinars, promo videos, audios and vlogs

    5.What are your future fitness business plans.
    To take Movin Monkeez nationwide and then out of the UK and into other countries
    Write a children’s book to support Movin Monkeez
    Host a webinar / meeting to help local mums understand fitness, health and nutrition
    Mum’s Utopia to build my group following.

    6.Any tips to help and motivate aspiring Fitness Entrepreneurs.
    Do it, never hold back from your dream.  A little idea can become a reality!

    7.What are your future fitness predictions.
    Small group training will be hot but I still think Zumba, Bokwa and alike will be around for a few more years yet. Bring back the freestyle aerobics!

    8. What Motivates you
    Mostly materialistic… Money, holidays, nice house, nice car and precious time with my family

    Pre Planning Prevents P*ss Poor Performance
    By Andrew Crawford

    You may have heard about the 4 P’s but what about the 6 P’s??

    Well…..What’s happening about the security at the Olympics Stadium?…What’s happening about the Officers at the major airport?

    They’ve only had FOUR YEARS to pre plan for this event….it wasn’t a surprise…!!!

    Well Sirs…..Pre planning prevents p*ss poor performance…..perhaps…!!!

    As opposed to this following manoeuvre which was properly planned and prevented from being published. What is it?

    Well it’s the release of the private messages from our very own £20 million pound a year ex-prime minster Tony ‘I Lied to the pubic regarding weapons of mass destruction which sent

    innocent soldiers to their untimely deaths and still I go to church and pray about peace and goodwill to all men on this land as long as I’m getting £2m per keyman speech’ Blair..to

    George W ‘I really knew about the plans surrounding 9/11 whilst I sat pretending to read children’s stories to innocent children whilst my aide whispered in my ear and I didn’t flinch a bit when I heard about the first plane hitting the first tower and building number 7 mysteriously collapsed without being hit and lost forever in about 6 ½ seconds were 1000’s of case files relating to the BIGGEST Corporate Frauds in history including Worldcom, Enron and the 70 billion dollar electricity swindle and was reported to have collapsed 20 minutes BEFORE it actually did so’ Bush.

    Thank goodness Larry Silverstein, the owner of building 7, the commercial real estate tycoon man with International Political Connections’ pre planned and acquired a 99 year lease just months before 9/11 and ‘reworked’ the policies to ensure that it was specifically covered for ‘acts of terrorism’ if the buildings were ever destroyed…gosh…..thank goodness he did that pre planning or else he wouldn’t have got his insurance payment of $7 billion dollars!!! (The buildings only cost him $15 million dollars..!!!!)…gimmie some of that ….!!

    Apparently, the Whitehall officials (note: ..there they are again in addition to the Barclays Bank manipulation of interest rates scandal…) have planned for these messages being prevented from being published to the poor tax paying, law abiding (except for the tax dodgers, one of whom is an adviser to our Government) public…
    Now that was or is the 6 P’s in full operation.
    Politicians P*ss Poor Pre Planning Preventing Public Perceptions Properly Presented with the Anything But The Truth. The final judgement will not be given until at least ten years AFTER the war ended. Until such time it’s….”look into my eyes…not above below or around but straight into my eyes…..your becoming sleepy….sleep….sleep..”
    So Andrew….
    What the …. has Pre Planning Prevent P*ss Poor Performance got to do with Accountancy and Tax.
    Well folks…
    That’s where budgets come in.
    You wouldn’t go out on a date with micky mouse money in your pocket….just in case..!!?? They might ask for a bottle of Dom instead of the Mo…!!!
    It’s eazy peazy really… just like taking out a new bird (lol….old term for woman) or geyser (man)…depending on your age you may know them as Skirt, bit, getting it tonight!, guaranteed s**g, a bit of fluff, missus, put your coat on…you’ve pulled……milf, gilf,      (Lord have mercy…I’m in need of therapy..!!)..
    You have to be prepared.  Therefore you would plan a spending budget or a family budget. Once the plan is in place, you work the plan.
    There are many types of budget believe it or not so I will not be going over the inticacies today……besides you’ve got another chapter of 50 Shades to digest and LEARN…..tee hee…!!!
    The original budget for the Olympics was under estimated….by FAR….but like good old builders, they ‘know’ that once a project is started, there will be ‘variations’ to the original plan/budget.
    That’s what you have got to be prepared for. You might have an income budget, an amount you need to achieve for the year. In this instance you have to take into considerations variations throughout the year and the unpredictability of the English weather….for those running outdoor classes.
    Prepare a budget for a whole year (January to December)
    Break it down into suitable intervals (Quarters)
    At the end of the first interval, compare actual results with the budget
    Update budget if necessary for the remaining periods (June, September, December)
    Repeat in June, September,….
    Flexible budgets are more realistic as they are revised on  a continuous basis
    Since we are dealing with pre planning, I must become morbid on you….
    Have you planned for your demise….otherwise known as death.???
    If you die without making a will, then the ‘Intestacy Rules’ will kick into place. When this happens your estate is dealt with in the following ways:

    Spouse with children: Lump sum and personal effects to spouse. Then 50% goes into trust for your spouse for life and 50% for your children.
    Spouse without children: a lump sum to the wife/husband and 50% of the balance to the spouse and 50% to parents
    With children but with no spouse: Your assets are divided equally between the children in the trust until they reach 18
    Without spouse or children: Your estate passes to relations in this order a) Parents b)Brothers and sisters c) Nieces and nephews d) Uncles and aunts.
    No spouse or relatives; To The Crown
    To reduce this death tax do this…..
    Make a tax efficient will
    If necessary, update it regularly
    Transfer your assets
    Give gifts
    There are many ways you can pre plan to reduce your inheritance tax.
    When my parents died and left no will, my brother and myself filled out all the necessary details and the inheritance tax return. Therefore we ‘valued’ all the assets ourselves and completed all the relevant documentation…!!
    I suggest you do this as well because if you get a Solicitor to do this, like our neighbour, they charge a percentage, which came out to be £80,000. Our solicitors fees…….nil…!! You go figure.
    In addition…..make sure you get Probate…and ensure you register the death yourself and get and guard with your life ‘The Death Certificate’ .
    Why do I say that….?
    The death certificate closes bank accounts and withdraw ALL the funds…it transfers assets, collects outstanding fees….etc
    NEVER give anyone the original if they ask for it. Copy it yourself and put a ‘mark’ on it saying ‘copy’. Sleep on the mofo….
    Listen,,,I can go on and on but I will conclude here…..Beware family members….they ‘change’…..!!!!
    Finally….the biggest revamp in the railways will be underway….the cost?…..£9bn….. I bet you £1,000 and a couple bottles of veuve that  by the time that project finishes the sum would have increased….!!!!     Who’s on??  I’m going to my commercial bank of commerce to put aside my grand now….there …done…!!!   Peace and Love.

    Andrew Crawford
    More resources can be found at: www.fitnessindustryaccountants.com
    Contact me on twitter : @tax4fitness

    Vikki Scovell

    Hello!  It has been such an honor to be back writing for C2Go after my extended absence, and so lovely to be in touch with so many of you beautiful people recently.  I offer my sincere thanks for the many messages of support and encouragement, and the funny, brave and sad personal stories that you have been sending me.  So here is a piece I wrote for all of you inspired by our collective off-road experiences, and by my faithful companion on life’s winding road- my old Landy;

    The Soothing Philosophy of the LAND ROVER (to be liberally applied as needed):
    As the years pass, you start to look a bit beaten up on the outside, but if you keep the engine running with constant maintenance and a bit of TLC you will keep going almost forever; scrapes and dents give you character and authenticity.

    You may have seven seats, but only sitting in the driving seat will get you where you need to be.
    Sometimes it seems like everyone else is zooming past, overtaking at twice the speed, eyes fixed on the horizon and nothing to stop them; looking shinier, sleeker and more together.  Meanwhile you rattle along, patched together with gaffa tape and grip-fill with one side mirror flapping in the breeze.   You will catch them up at the lights anyway.
    You might not be the same shape as everyone else, but you are still the most attractive thing on the road to those who love you.
    Sometimes with the wind behind you, the right incline, stereo turned up full and the sunset in the rear view mirror, you are the one burning up the fast lane and leaving everyone else to eat your dust.   (Even if each MPH over 65 makes your wing mirrors fold in- at this point everything behind you is unimportant; look ahead).
    Each time something goes wrong, it seems like the end of the world and that it can’t be fixed, but it never is the end, and it always can be fixed.
    When you do break down, there is always someone to come to your assistance, make you chuckle and get you back on the road.
    You are equipped to deal with all terrains; unmade roads, mud, rocky bits, deep water and steep slopes, and you will get through them all, however slowly.
    It takes a strong hand to get into low gear when you need to (see above).
    With the right music, every journey is a pleasure.  Turn it up loud and sing your heart out; then you can’t hear the scary stuff going on under the bonnet or the road noise.
    Ignore warning lights on your dashboard at your peril; you may end up causing extensive damage.
    Sometimes you have to accept, that rubbish is accumulating in the inside, and you need to clear-up, de-junk and sweep away the dust.  You may need a very big bin-bag to achieve this, and possibly an iron constitution to deal with some of the stickier stuff.  You will feel much better afterwards.
    If you take people with you on your journey, make sure they take their rubbish with them when they go, or you will have to deal with it.
    Sometimes it seems that it is only the mud holding everything together.
    Sometimes it IS.
    A sat-nav would be handy, but having someone tell you exactly what to do and where to go, means you risk losing the chance of making beautiful and unexpected discoveries for yourself.
    Keep your peddle to the metal, focus on your destination, but ALWAYS enjoy the ride.
    High-maintenance, expensive to run and noisy?  Yup!  But SO worth it; fantastic doesn’t come at no cost!

    Vikki Scovell @fitbite

    Have a wonderful Thursday
    Love Rachel xx

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