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  • 17 Tips to Work Twitter for Fitpros

    17 Tips to work Twitter and Ideas about what to Tweet

    All Fitpros need to get into Twitter and the biggest question I get asked is…”What do I Tweet about”

    Twitter is one of the fastest growing social media channels today. Twitter used to be Facebook’s poor relation now it’s fast becoming THE marketing social media to get into. Twitter is super easy to update and you can tweet easily from your blackberry or iphone. You don’t need to build a profile, post photos or add friends just tweet interesting content relevant to your followers in 140 characters or less.

    Almost anyone these days can throw together 140 characters and call it a tweet. But to use Twitter for maximum business impact there are many tried and true content sources ready to be used.

    This article is about maximising your Twitter marketing value and ideas about What to Tweet!

    #1: Answers

    Think about the questions your clients and customers asked you this week. Or maybe there are the repeat questions you’ve already answered on the FAQ page of your website.

    To get started, create a list of questions, and answer them in your tweets one by one—paying particular attention to the most relevant at this time. For example, focus on seasonal questions, current rates and discounts, promotions and sales or commonly asked how-to’s in your business and industry. Save the list and add to it as you go along. What you don’t use this week may make even more sense a few weeks from now.

    #2: Daily Deals

    Use tweets to announce a daily deal you’re offering/

    #3 New classes, today’s classes, last minute available PT appointments

    Tweet details of your daily classes, last minute available PT appointments or speaking events you may be attending or organising

    #4: Factoid

    These types of tweets are the one-liner statistics that impact the fitness industry and your clientelle. They demonstrate your company’s commitments and interests, and add personality to your business.

    #5: Guide

    Your customers may be new to Twitter, blogs and social networking sites. You can use your tweets as a way to educate them about the process and integrate your blog posts with your Twitter messages. Tweets themselves can be teaching tools about social media marketing.

    #6: Hashtags

    Hashtags consist of using the # symbol followed by subject words; e.g., #followfriday. They help organise information and make tweets more searchable. . You can search hashtags to see what people are talking about. It’s also useful to do an advanced search on Twitter using hashtags as one of the search operators.

    #7: Joint Venture

    Good Twitter content consists of certain netiquette—giving credit where credit is due by retweeting, or by using other mechanisms such as the word “via”— indicating that you came across the information somewhere else and are now writing about it, too. Twitter is naturally viral and as long as you “pay it forward” and think of Twitter as a joint venture, your tweets will become an important component of your social media strategy where you won’t simply be pushing out messages, you’ll be conversing with others and building your social network.

    #8: Live Events

    Tweeting about live fitness events or classes  fits Twitter like a glove. The immediacy of getting out messages about start times is particularly useful in the fitness world, congratulate a class after you have finished teaching. Sending out follow-up tweets about a class or session you have is a great way to build your “tribe” and make people feel part if your group!

    #9: News

    Twitter has been instrumental in helping break important stories about local and global events. “One-quarter of all Twitter posts include a link to another piece of content, such as a news story or video. Twitter has 190 million unique monthly visitors, so that’s a lot of content zooming across the platform.” If something comes on the news about fitness you can tweet your views or opinions on it and get discussions going with your friends and clients.

    #10: Opinion

    Using opinions in tweets is a good way to make it possible for your customers and followers to get to know more about you and your company.

    #11: Quotes

    Business tweets can also be inspirational. They can motivate and influence thinking by using some of your favourite quotes.

    • There are websites that categorize famous quotes by topic, and by Googling “quotes,” you’ll find thousands of sites to choose from.
    • You can also use a quote from a book or magazine article you’ve been reading.

    When planning your tweet, leave extra room for characters so you can be sure to give credit to the source.

    #12: Share Links

    Many blogs and online news services offer integration with your Twitter account so you can share the link of the article with your followers as you read it. This is one of my favourite uses of Twitter. On the occasions when you come across a link you’d like to share and there isn’t a Twitter share widget already integrated for you on the web page, you can copy and paste the URL into a number of URL shorteners such as bit.ly or tinyurl, and add a few words about why you’re tweeting out the link.

    #13: Tips

    Got a product-related tip? A useful tidbit of information you’d like to share with your customers and followers? People are often looking for quick and easy solutions to manage their time and be more productive. Why not share some of your useful tips with them?

    #14: Updates and Announcements

    Updates and announcements from your business can be categorised as good to know, better to know and need to know.

    #15: Value

    When in doubt about what to Tweet, think about what will add value to your audience today. What makes you the go-to fitness company or Instructor for your customers? Value tweets will remind them of why you’re an invaluable resource.

    #16: YouTube

    Twitter can be used to link to a YouTube video. Videos are especially viral and people love them.

    #17: Zippy Writing Style

    Twitter messages need to make the best possible use of 140 characters. This is where writing style comes into play. Good tweet content is not only useful in terms of all the types covered up to now. What makes a good tweet stand out is how the message is delivered. In other words, tweet lively and entertaining messages.

    Twitter is a perfect for helping create your fitness brand, communicating your values, engaging with customers and potential customers, and networking with other businesses and professional organistaions.


    You can Tweet me @RachelHolmes


    Have a great day x


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